
Death Of Confucius Research Paper

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The sources for Confucius' life were compiled well after his death. The early works agreed by textual authorities to be relatively reliable sources of biographical material are: the Analects, compiled by Confucius' disciples and later followers during the centuries following his death; the Zuozhuan, a narrative history composed from earlier sources sometime in the fourth century; and the Mengzi or Mencius, the teachings of the well-known eponymous fourth century follower of Confucius' thought put together by his disciples and adherents. The Confucius of the Analects appears most concerned with behaving morally even when this means enduring hardship and poverty. Mencius' Confucius is a politically motivated figure, seeking high office and departing from patrons who do not properly reward him. A third Confucius is found in the pages of the Zuozhuan. This one is a heroic figure courageously facing down dangers …show more content…

Government and society in China were grounded in the Confucian philosophy, which held that there was a basic order in the universe and a natural harmony linking man, nature, and the cosmos; it also held that man was by nature a social being.The natural order of the universe should be reflected in human relations. The family unit was seen as the primary social unit; relationships within the family were fundamental to all others and comprised three of the "five relationships" that were the models for all others: sovereign -subject; husband-wife; parent-child; elder brother-younger brother; friend -friend. In this hierarchy of social relations, each role had clearly defined duties; reciprocity or mutual responsibility between subordinate and superior was fundamental to the Confucian concept of human

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