
Confucius Vs Socrates Research Paper

Decent Essays

Confucius and Socrates had much more in common on political philosophy compared to moral philosophy. They had both taken part in politics: Confucius was once appointed as the administrative official of the Middle Capital and was in charge of state construction and jurisdiction, while Socrates was a member of the Boule and took part in the Trial of the Six Commanders. They both advocated ethical politics.

Both Socrates and Confucius agreed that in order to govern a state effectively, one must be adept at governing family affairs in the first place. People who manage family affairs should not be looked down upon, since governing a polis and a family are entirely the same apart from the amount of work. Socrates also pointed out that as there were more than 10,000 families in Athens, how could one govern a polis if he failed to deal with family affairs? Likewise, in the opening chapter of the Great Learning, one of the Confucian classic texts the Four Books, it is stated that a state is …show more content…

Similarly, Confucius thought that the ruler would only be a convincing one to his civilians if he possessed integrity and high moral standards. He discussed the importance of virtue for a ruler using a simile: a moral ruler would naturally attract support form civilians, like the north pole star would have all the stars turn towards it. In his view, a ruler without morality would never win over the people, no matter how outstanding he could be in other aspects. The concept of benevolence and gentle behaviour had permeated into every corner of the society and even men at the top of the social pyramid were constrained by it. Mercifulness was the most valuable quality expected of a ruler and for ordinary people ‘a true gentleman’ was the highest praise one could get. As a result, corruption had rarely existed since Confucianism became popular, which is seen as Confucius’ greatest contribution to

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