
Confucius: The Most Influential People Of China

Decent Essays

Confucius is one of the most influential people in East Asia, his philosophy has changed the lives of many Chinese people today. Confucius was born in 551 BC and died in 479 BC having completed numerous achievements. He was a man of many things; a philosopher, a teacher, and a political figure. Confucius is the founder of Confucianism, his teachings were mainly about the goodness of people, respect for elders, politeness, and education. His teachings have influenced China in countless ways, he created the foundation for social values and many political teachings. Many of his sayings are heard today, such as, “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.” Even as Confucius predominantly influenced China, there are still hints of him everywhere in today’s society. …show more content…

Although, at the age of nineteen he got married to a woman named Qiguan and starts a family with her. Confucius was born into the commoner class, therefore he went to commoner schools. Even so, he learned the six arts, which include rites, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and mathematics. His fine education allowed him to enter politics at an early age. His objective was to restore tranquility to Lu. Soon after getting the job, he fled due to the threat of powerful enemies. When he left, people followed after him. It has been said by Fung that, ¨Confucius was the first man in China to make teaching his profession, and thus popularize the culture and education¨ (Confucianism and The World He Created 134). He taught those who followed him, passing on his beliefs, hoping to make the world better with his beliefs. Eventually after his teachings, he went back into politics and got promoted to Minister of Crime. His teachings improved the Chinese government so much, that crime was nearly

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