
Confucianism And Taoism : A Common Thread That Is Observed Within East Asian Religions

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A common thread that is observed within East Asian religions is that there is an ideal or higher path that one can follow to attain their spiritual goals within their lifetime. The three popular religions in China, which are Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism greatly emphasized these ideal paths since direct effect of following these paths would bring harmony and structure to the society. Confucianism, a highly philosophical notion centered around the harmony in the society through the utilization of morals and knowledge, introduced the Gentleman. The anti-Confucian reaction known as Taoism, which places an strong emphasizes understanding the Elemental nature of the way through passive nature and mystical communism with the dao introduced the Sage. The third religion, Buddhism, particularly, the Mahayana sect introduced the Bodhivisattia pathway, which highlights the importance of generosity and merit. Since these Taoism was built up the reaction of the Confucian religion and Buddhism in reaction to both Confucianism and Taoism, there are many differences in terms of prioritization either socially or spiritually, acquisition in the type and amount of knowledge and the proper training ground in achieving the final, ideal state. However, these three religions share a common ideology which is to bring out the good within society and within the individual.

The ideology of the Confucian man can be perceived as “ The Master said, A gentleman in his dealing with the world has

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