
Similarities Between Confucianism And Taoism

Decent Essays

Confucianism and Taoism are two well known philosophies from China. Created by Confucius and Lao-tzu, these ideas have developed side by side for more than 2,000 years. Throughout history, these two frames of mind have guided large regions of the world at different times. In American society, these two ideologies would produce very different results should they be implemented. Although they do have certain similarities, Confucianism’s values of Filial Piety and Humaneness would be very beneficial to American society while Taoism’s principals of inaction and individualized independence would be detrimental.

The philosophies of Confucianism and Taoism both share many attributes, many of which are based around their ideological purposes. Confucianism and Taoism were both created during the warring state period in China, between 600-400 BCE. This is significant because China was in a state of dissension. Because of this, Lao-tzu and Confucius were looking to bring peace to the empire with a set of common values. Both philosophies believed in the importance of education. Confucianism supported a standardized system while observers of Taoism looked for a self-led approach to learning. In addition, Lao-tzu and Confucius each advocated a life of respect. Though Confucianism and Taoism had many similarities, their key differences set their function in modern society apart.

If implemented, Confucianism would create a very different American society than what is currently functioning. Confucianism revolves around two main values. These are Filial Piety and Humaneness. Filial piety is characterized by respect for one’s parents, elders, and ancestors. In his script; The Analects, Confucius writes “Few of those who are filial sons and respectful brothers will show disrespect to superiors, and there has never been a man who is respectful to superiors and yet creates disorder. A superior man is devoted to the fundamental. When the root is firmly established, the moral law will grow. Filial piety and brotherly respect are the root of humanity.”(Analects 1:2). In current American culture, people are losing touch with their families. In this country, family is rarely part of one’s identity. Confucianism would restore

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