
Comparing Confucianism And Daoism

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Two of the popular Chinese religion that we have no yet talked about in our curriculum of this course are Confucianism and Daoism. Using Smart's six dimension of religion to analysis Confucianism I was able to find most of the dimension were present in some form. For the mythological dimension in Confucianism the Analects, which are teachings that came from Kong Fuzi but were complied together by Kong Fuzi disciples after his death fit this dimension. One of the very important teaching from the Analects is that it is “important to remember ceremonies”. This teaching of the Analects speaks to the ritual dimension as stated in the lettuce “Confucianism as a religion is long on rials and ethics by very short on doctrine”(Dan Capper). I only real doctrine I found was that of the Analects but within that doctrine was an abundance of ethical teaching, codes of conduct and what mean westerns could say “Confucius sayings”. …show more content…

I saw abiding by the five great relationships both can be seen as a type of daily ritual and also could been seen as a type ethical behavior code. Which would fit the ethical dimension. Also Filial Piety or honoring your parents through the Confucius saying of “treat our parents with reverence” could be fit the dimensions of ritual, mythological, ethical, doctrinal and possible social. I found this happening a lot while studying Confucianism that many teaching or traditions within the religion could apply to many of smart six’s doctrines. The last dimension I found that a concept was reflected in was ren, which is Kong Fuzi construction of a “heaven-on-earth” type society would reflect the dimension of

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