
Compare And Contrast America And Conservatism

Decent Essays

In America, there exists many differing approaches towards solving economic problems. From the far left to the far right, there is intense disagreement on even basic economic questions, such as poverty, the role of the government, and the role of individuals. The perspectives of Liberals and Conservatives will be discussed in this paper. Between Liberals and Conservatives, the ideological contrast is clear. While both agree on the virtues of capitalism, this is where the similarities end. Conservatives strongly emphasize the role of the individual. They commonly hold the belief that individuals have the right to property ownership, and that they are self-interested and materialistic by their very nature. They strongly believe in a free market. In a market with low regulation, according to them, businesses are increasingly able to compete with each other for customers. As competition increases, prices go down in order to bring more customers in. Thus, the economy thrives. However, as the government …show more content…

As conservatives believe so strongly in individual responsibility, they see the individual’s responsibility as to find a job and provide for himself. They do not believe that the government should attempt to solve what they see is a cultural problem of many poor people: not wanting to find work. For those who are disabled and unable to work, they believe private charity can adequately provide for those in need. Conservatives also believe that a solution to poverty is creating new jobs by helping the wealthy prosper through generous tax cuts. They argue that by drastically reducing regulation and taxes, which they see as obstacles to economic growth, wealthy people will be free to use their wealth to invest it in businesses, creating new jobs. Consequently, poor and middle class people will then take those jobs, causing the wealth to “trickle down” to them, and ending

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