
Colombia Vs Heller

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The Conservative side, I would say, is for the outcome of the decision of District of Colombia vs. Heller. The District of Columbia law prohibits handgun ownership. They were able to do so by making it illegal to obtain an unregistered firearm and preventing somebody to be able to register a handgun. This District of Colombia vs. Heller was a case that won in a 5-4 decision that the Second Amendment protects the right for an individual to have the right to bear arms for self defense purposes. Conservatives agree with this amendment because one should always have the right to protect oneself against another. If the conservative side could have their way, they would choose to not have any gun control laws. They believe the more gun control …show more content…

This would mean that the government has control over all the weapons, which means they would have even more control over the rest of society. If the government took all of our weapons away, then they would not fear as much if society would turn against them. By allowing American citizens the right to the bear arms, allows us to still have some power and some control. Conservatives want the power that if there were to ever come a time that society wants to overthrow our government, we have that option. They don’t want to have to rely on the government for everything. Especially when it comes to protection. Conservatives would much rather be self reliant when it comes to protecting themselves against …show more content…

This is the main reason why so many people have come to be apart of this country. If we cannot protect ourselves, then we are not a free individual. If the United States decides to uphold the strict interpretation of the Second Amendment, many people will feel unprotected and unsafe. The most important aspect to focus on is enforcing the gun control laws we have now, rather than taking them away. I believe that source of legal and social analysis should take everything into account when changing over periods of time. Looking back at the history is helpful because it shows how we got to where we are today. Times do change, and some issues today are not as horrible and serious as they were in the past. We need to look at the current situations that we are in as well as looking at how situations were handled in the past. This will make for the best decision making in the laws we create today. I am a firm believer in one being able to protect themselves. As American citizens, we should have the right and freedom to choose bear arms as a form of self defense. I do believe that this right needs to be taken very seriously and responsibly. Enforcing the laws we have now on gun control will help to keep others safe and make it harder for criminals to obtain a weapon. Before the government decides to uphold the strict interpretation of the Second Amendment, they should take everything into account, including the freedom

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