
China 's Rule Under Legalism And Launching A Military Campaign

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From 600 BCE to 600 CE, China experienced changes in its political system in terms of the dissimilar ruling styles of different leaders, the rule under Legalism, and the influence of philosophical thinking like Daoism. These changes, influenced by aspects of the world and its own region, shaped China into its Classical state. In contrast, the concept of the Mandate of Heaven, the civil service system, and the significance of unity through a strong central government remained constant throughout China’s Classical period. These continuities followed through, staying essentially the same as an important part of China’s identity. From warring states to an empire, China experienced a drastic change in restoring the civilization through different dynasties and rulers. The unity China wanted was non-existent during the age of the warring states as there were rivalries between the seven competing kingdoms. Shihuangdi of the state of Qin tried to reunify China through Legalism and launching a military campaign. After the collapse of Shihuangdi’s brutal policies, China switched over to the milder and moralistic rule of the Han dynasty that followed. To try and restore China into something great, the people underwent changes to find a solution that would end the disorder. Likewise, Rome also experienced a change in its civilization from city-state to empire through its way of ruling. Although each civilization targeted a different way to build up their empire, both China and Rome

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