
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Education

Decent Essays

Would you prefer having all your quizzes, assignments, and lectures on a computer screen or a traditional classroom teacher where it is mandatory to listen to their lectures and their assignments are on paper? There are both advantages and disadvantages to a traditional setting and an online education.The advantages of online learning are that you get immediate feed back whether it's a test, quiz or an assignment you get results of your score and what you got wrong in the matter of just submitting your work. that gives you more time to look back at what you did wrong so you can fix it and restudy the material given. Scores as well are immediate, as soon as you click out of the unit your score for the whole unit pops up, this could be …show more content…

Another negative advantage is the lack of discipline, some students need to be nagged on and told what to do. Other students need motivation from teachers and their peers, they need the constant support or push. thirdly a disadvantage is the tecnical difficulties in the computer system, the website could be down, crash and the constant updates like java, shockwave, and flash. Other things could happen at home like their computer could break, wifi could go down or the power could go off.

The positive sides of traditional in classroom schooling is having the classroom of students learning the same material, with the same teacher having the advantage to exchange ideas and questions with one another. Since you have the same material as the student next to you, you can help each other and brainstorm homework questions after school if you both are stuck since there is no teacher that goes home with you. In a traditional school, you have the operativity to make new friends, join clubs, go to dances, and attend a rally. The disadvantages of a trading school are one of the biggest problems most schools have is the big class sizes. the big class sizes of 27 to 30 students s that the teacher can't help you individually faster than it could be in a smaller classroom. The bigger classroom could also be a distraction because of the loud kids or the ones who don't do their work. Another

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