
1. 1 Explain The Process Of Natural Selection

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1. Explain the process of natural selection.
Natural selection involves the adaptation of a species to better survive in their designated environment. When organisms reproduce, they pass down their DNA to their offspring. For example, a child that is tall is the result of their parent being tall as well. Parents pass down traits to their children. When it comes to survival, some organisms are better at it than others based on the traits that they have acquired. Some organisms can camouflage from predators while members of the same species do not obtain that same trait. With that in mind, the ones that can camouflage will most likely survive in certain environments and they will then pass on that trait when they reproduce. Since these traits are advantageous, they are passed on to more and more offspring through time and it will eventually overcome any original traits that species first started out with. It’s kind of like the current state of sexual misconduct in Hollywood. We have our directors, actors, agents, and so forth. However, as time goes on, some do not survive in the business based on their inherently evil traits and they get weeded out just like some species in the wild. As generations pass, these organisms have then adapted to fit the environment and better survive based on their inherited traits.

2. How does sexual selection differ from natural selection?
Although sexual selection may seem like natural selection, they both happen to have different features that separate them from one another. Sexual selection involves dominance and competition between organisms. Furthermore, it deals with the attractiveness some traits hold when drawing attention to other mates. A common example is that of the peacock and its vibrant feathers. The peahens are attracted to flashy feathers that the peacock flaunts, and they will eventually choose the mate that displays itself as the most extravagant. Ultimately, they will procreate and the peacock will pass on the trait involving his feathers since he was chosen as a mate.

3. Where does a mutation occur and why are mutations important?
Mutations occur in the DNA sequence of a gene in an organism. When it comes to the importance of mutations, evolution is the

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