
Natural Selection Characteristics

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Natural selection is when organisms develop traits, so that they will be better adapted to their environment. Natural selection affects every living thing in the world. There are the examples of animals blending into their environment to hide from predators. Also there is when a thing living in a cold climate grows more hair to become warmer, and not die. Certain traits are more common in a population because the traits increase an individual's probability of surviving and reproducing. To start off, in the game Hungry Birds there are birds searching for moths in the forest. When you start off in the game the trees are white. That causes the black moths to be eaten more, because they are easier to see. The white moths then are able to blend into the environment more. Furthermore, as the game progresses the trees go through pollution, and they become darker. The white moths are then eaten more, because they are easier to see on the darker tree. The black moths then survive longer because they can blend into the trees. When the trees change colors one color of the moths become more likely to be eaten. That over time would cause the population to change to the color congruent to the tree color. …show more content…

As the game progresses a giant monster shows up and is planning on eating the animals. The area is beige, so all the beige animals survived, because they blended in. Over time that would cause the population to have a greater increase of beige animals. Also, it got really cold in the area, so the animals adapted to that by growing hair. SInce they grew hair they would become warmer, and survive longer. Overall that would cause the animal population over time to be more hairy, and to be

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