
The Process of Natural Selection Essay

Decent Essays

Natural selection is the process in which heritable traits that make it more likely for organisms to survive and successfully reproduce become more common in a population over successive generations. Each of us individuals is specifically shaped and formed by our own genetic pattern. We inherit this pattern half from are mother and half from are father. The cause of this is the proximate cause that led it’s phenotype to ultimate causes. Much of we know today about evolution derives from the late great pioneer, Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin was an english naturalist that even from an early age was very interested in outdoor pursuits. Early in his prep career his father tried sending him to the University of Edinburg to pursue his medical …show more content…

More so that the smaller lizards were more probable to die off despite the the lack of natural selection, but because the larger stronger lizards in certain areas still had more access to food. the particular lizards with longer legs had the advantage because they were able to climb trees to escape storms that came and reach food better which in return wasn’t available to the rest down below. More great examples of this are humans, cheetahs, and peacocks. Evolution is in basic terms the matter of survival and reproduction. It is the process that on a regular basis shapes and molds all of life on our earth. Charles Darwin’s concepts comes down to three principles which include: There must be a difference in the individuals within the population, certain individuals must reproduce at a faster and higher rate than the others, and lastly characteristics that helped them survive must be passed on to there offspring. According to Darwin’s theories people are sexually selected. meaning all of sexual selection is all of natural selection. People preference of one sex affect the evolution of the other sex. for example the better you can dance the better fertile you are and vise versa. Dancing in many species means that the better you can dance the better you are off because the quality of dance is the symbol of being more reproductive. Many of his colleagues at the time were feeling dumb for not

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