The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume IX. From Steele and Addison to Pope and Swift.
- J
OHN ARBUTHNOT - A. Collected Works
- The Miscellaneous Works of the late Dr. Arbuthnot. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1751. Other editions, 1751 and 1770 (with a short life of Arbuthnot). [These volumes contain a number of pieces which are not by Arbuthnot. All the pieces in the collection are mentioned below, and are distinguished by an asterisk.]
- The Life and Works of John Arbuthnot. By Aitken, George A. Oxford, 1892. [This volume includes the pieces marked † below.]
- B. Single Works
* Of the Laws of Chance. 1692.- These Medicae de Secretione Animali. [St. Andrews, 1696.]
* An Examination of Dr. Woodward’s Account of the Deluge, & c. With a Comparison between Steno’s Philosophy and the Doctor, in the case of Marine Bodies dug out of the Earth. 1697. [Said, by Thomas Hearne, to have been suppressed by the author.]* An Essay on the usefulness of Mathematical Learning, in a Letter from a Gentleman in the City to his Friend in Oxford. Oxford, 1701. [Dated 25 November, 1700.]- Tables of the Grecian, Roman and Jewish Measures, Weights and Coins, reduced to the English Standard. [1705?]
* †A Sermon preachid to the People at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, on the Subject of the Union. Eccles. chap.X., ver. 27. Printed in the year 1706 [Edinburgh].—Dublin [1706]. London, 1707 [Dec., 1706, according to History of the Works of the Learned]: 1745 [?]. With a Preface—reprinted in the Miscellaneous Works—which is attributed to Duncombe, setting forth the advantages which had accrued to Scotland by the Union (Nichols, Lit. Anecdotes, vol.VIII, p. 269).- An Argument for Divine Providence, taken from the constant regularity observed in the Births of both Sexes. [In Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1710, vol.
XXVII, p. 186, and rptd. in the Abridgment, vol.V, pt. ii, p. 240.] - †Law is a Bottomless Pit, Exemplified in the Case of The Lord Strutt, John Bull, Nicholas Frog, and Lewis Baboon, who spent all they had in a Law-Suit. Printed from a Manuscript found in the Cabinet of the famous Sir Humphrey Polesworth [Feb. 28–March 6]. 1712.
- †John Bull in His Senses: Being the Second Part of Law is a Bottomless Pit. [March 13–20] 1712.
- †John Bull still in his Senses: Being the Third Part of Law is a Bottomless Pit. [March 15–17] 1712.
- †An Appendix to John Bull still in His Senses: or, Law is a Bottomless Pit. [May 8] 1712.
- †Lewis Baboon turned Honest and John Bull Politician. Being the Fourth Part of Law is a Bottomless-Pit. Printed from a Manuscript found in the Cabinet of the famous Sir Humphrey Polesworth: And Published (as well as the Three former Parts and Appendix) by the Author of the New Atalantis. [July 31] 1712.
* †The History of John Bull. Edinburgh, 1712. [Law is a Bottomless Pit, exemplified, &c. In three Parts. With the Appendix and a complete Key.] Other editions: 1753 [Le Procès sans Fin]; Glasgow, 1766 [Law is a Bottomless Pit, or the History of John Bull]; 1883 [The English Garner, vol.VI, ed. Edward Arber]; 1889 [Cassell’s National Library, ed. Henry Morley, vol. 204].- [The History of John Bull first appeared in 1712, in a series of pamphlets, each of which is described above under its own title: 1. Law is a Bottomless Pit; 2. John Bull in his Senses; 3. John Bull still in his Senses; 4. An Appendix to John Bull still in his Senses; 5. Lewis Baboon turned Honest and John Bull Politician.]
- †Proposals for printing a very Curious Discourse, in Two Volumes, in Quarto, entitled [char] or A Treatise of the Art of Political Lying, with an Abstract of the First Volume of the said Treatise [Oct. 9–16] 1712.—Edinburgh, 1746.
- †To the Right Honourable The Mayor and Alderman of the City of London: The Humble Petition of the Colliers, Cooks, Cook-Maids, Blacksmiths, Jack-makers, Brasiers, and others. 1716.
- Three Hours after Marriage. A Comedy. [By John Gay.] 1717. [Gay was assisted by Pope and Arbuthnot.]
- [In vol.
II, p. 872 of A History of Music, by Sir John Hawkins, 1853, is given a burlesque—taken from Harl. MS. 7316 p. 149, where it is attributed to Arbuthnot—of lines written by Pope for Signora Margarita Durastanti to recite upon her formal retirement from the English operatic stage in 1723. Pope’s lines end “Happy soil, adieu, adieu,” Arbuthnot’s “Bubbles all, adieu, adieu.” These lines are also given in the Annual Register for 1775, and in the Additions to Pope’s Works, 1776.] - †Reasons humbly offered by the Company exercising the Trade and Mystery of Upholders, against part of the Bill, For the better Viewing, Searching, and Examining Drugs, Medicines, &c. 1724.
- The Craftsman. 1726–7. [Probably contained contributions by Arbuthnot.]
- Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures, explained and exemplified in several Dissertations. [Name not given, but prefixed are verses to the King by the author’s son, Charles Arbuthnot.] 1727.
- Tables of Ancient Coins, &c. 2nd edn. To which is added, An Appendix containing Observations on Dr. Arbuthnot’s Dissertations on Coins, Weights and Measures. By Benjamin Langwith, D.D. 1754. Other editions, Utrecht, 1756, Leyden, 1764.
- Oratio Anniversaria Harvaeana habita in Theatro Collegii Regalis Medicor. Lond. Die
XVIII OctobrisA.D. 1727. 1727. - Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. [Preface signed by Swift and Pope.] 3 vols. 1727. [Vol.
II contains The History of John Bull and the Art of Political Lying.]—4 vols. 1727–32. [Vol.III contains The Humble Petition of the Colliers, &c., The Essay concerning the Origin of Sciences and It cannot rain but it pours.] - †An Essay of the Learned Martinus Scriblerus concerning the Origin of Sciences. [See Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, 1727–32, vol.
III. ] - †Virgilius Restauratus: seu Martini Scribleri Summi Critici Castigationum in Aeneidem Specimen. [See Dunciad, 1729, and Works of Mr. Alexander Pope in Prose, vol.
II. ] - †Memoirs of the Life, Works and Discoveries of Martinus Scriblerus. [See The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope in Prose, vol.
II. ] - The Dunciad. With Notes Variorum. 1729. [Arbuthnot made contributions to the notes, introductions, &c., including Virgilius Restauratus.]
* †A brief Account of Mr. John Giglicutt’s Treatise concerning the Altercation or Scolding of the Ancients. By the Author. [February] 1731.- An Epitaph on Francis Chartres [in The London Magazine, 1732].
- An Essay concerning the Nature of Aliments, and the choice of them, according to the different Constitutions of Human Bodies. [May] 1731. 2 vols. 1731, 1732.—[May] 1732. To which is added, Practical Rules of Diet in the various Constitutions and Diseases of Human Bodies. [These Rules were sold separately to perfect the former edition.] Later editions, 1731 [Dublin]; 2 vols. 1735–6; 1744 [in German]; 1751, 1756.
- An Essay concerning the Effect of Air on Human Bodies. [July] 1733. Other editions, 1742 [French]; 1753 [Latin]; 1756.
- Esther, an Oratorio. [Libretto by Pope and Arbuthnot, with additions by Humphreys. Brit. Mus. Cat.] 1733.
* †[char]. Know Yourself. A Poem. 1734. [Reprinted in Dodsley’s Collection of Poems by several hands. 1748. Vol. 1, p. 196.] A Supplement to Dr. Swift’s and Mr. Pope’s Works now first collected into one Volume. Dublin, 1739.- [The following pieces are ascribed to Arbuthnot in the Table of Contents:—History of John Bull. A Wonderful Prophecy. Memoirs of P. P. The Country Post. Stradling
V. Styles. Proposals for Printing the Art of Political Lying. Relation of the Circumcision of E. Curll. God’s Revenge against Punning. Petition of the Colliers, &c. The Upholders Reasons. Annus Mirabilis. Essay concerning the origin of Sciences. Virgilius Restauratus. It cannot rain but it pours. True Narrative of what passed in London. Art of Sinking in Poetry. Epitaph on Fr-s Ch-is.] - Works of Mr. Alexander Pope, In Prose. Vol.
II. 1741. [Contains Memoirs of Scriblerus, Virgilius Restauratus, and Essay on the Origin of Sciences.] - Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus. Dublin, 1741.
- Literary Relics. Edited by Berkeley, George Monck. 1789. [Letters from Berkeley to Arbuthnot, pp. 83–92.]
- Letters written by eminent persons in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. 3 vols. 1813. [Letters from Arbuthnot to Dr. Charlett, vol. 1, pp. 176, 178.]
- Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. Ed. Scott, Sir Walter, Bart. 19 vols. 1824. [Letters to and from Arbuthnot.]
- Letters to and from Henrietta Countess of Suffolk. Ed. Croker, J. 2 vols. 1824. [Letters from Arbuthnot.]
- An Account of the Rev. John Flamstead. By Baily, F. 1835. [Contains correspondence with Arbuthnot.]
- Lives of the Queens of England. By Strickland, Agnes. 12 vols. 1840–8. (Vol.
VIII contains Letters to Arbuthnot.) - Works of Alexander Pope. Edd. Elwin, W. and Courthope, W. J. 10 vols. 1871–89. [Letters to and from Arbuthnot.]
- Works attributed to Arbuthnot
- A Letter from the famous Sir Humphrey Polesworth to the Author of the Examiner: with a Dialogue between Nic Frog, Tom Frog, his brother, and Dick Frog his kinsman. [Printed in the “Examiner” for May 8 to 15, 1712.]
- The Story of the St. Alb-ns Ghost, or the Apparition of Mother Haggy. Collected from the best Manuscripts. [Feb. 16–19] 1712.
- An Invitation to Peace: or Toby’s Preliminaries to Nestor Ironside. 1713.
* †The Longitude Examin’d. By Jeremy Thacker, of Beverley, in Yorkshire. 1714.* †Notes and Memorandums of the Six Days preceding the Death of a late Right Reverend.… Containing many remarkable Passages, with an Inscription designed for his Monument. 1715.* The State Quacks, or the Political Botchers. 1715.* A Letter to the Reverend Mr. Dean Swift, occasioned by a Satyre said to be written by him, entitled, A Dedication to a Great Man, concerning Dedications, &c. [Signed P. A., Jan. 30, 1718–9.]* †An Account of the Sickness and Death of Dr. W—dw—d: As also of what appeared upon opening his body. In a letter to a Friend in the Country. By Dr. Technicum. 1719.* The Life and Adventures of Don Bilioso de L’Estomac. Translated from the original Spanish into French: done from the French into English. With a letter to the College of Physicians. 1719.* An Epitaph on a Greyhound. (?)- A Letter From the Facetious Dr. Andrew Tripe, at Bath, To his Loving Brother The profound Greshamite [1719]. In “Miscellaneous Works” of Dr. William Wagstaff, 1726.
* A Supplement to Dean Sw—t’s Miscellanies: By the Author. Containing 1. A Letter to the Students of both Universities, relating to the new Discoveries in Religion and the Sciences, and the principal Inventors of them.II. An Essay upon an Apothecary.III. An Account of a surprising Apparition, Oct. 20, 1722. 1723.* †The Most Wonderful Wonder, that ever appeared to the Wonder of the British Nation. Being an Account of the Travels of Mynheer Veteranus, through the Woods of Germany: And an account of his taking a most monstrous She Bear, who had nursed up the Wild Boy; &c. Written by the Copper-Farthing Dean. 1726. [The verses upon William Sutherland given at the end of this tract are claimed for William Meston, in his Poetical Works, 1767.]- †It cannot rain but it pours: Or, London strow’d with Rarities. Being an Account of the arrival of a White Bear at the House of Mr. Ratcliff in Bishopsgate Street: As also of the Faustina, the celebrated Italian Singing-woman: and of the Copper-Farthing Dean from Ireland. And lastly, of the wonderful Wild Man that was nursed in the Woods of Germany by a Wild Beast: &c. 1726.
* The Manifests of Lord Peter (Signed Solomon Andrian). 1726.* A Learned Dissertation on Dumpling, its Dignity, Antiquity, and Excellence. With a Word upon Pudding, &c. 1726. [By T. Gordon.]* The Devil to pay at St. James’s: or a full and true Account of a most horrid and bloody Battle between Madame Faustina and Madame Cuzzoni, &c. 1727.* The Masquerade. A Poem Inscrib’d to C—t H—d—g—r. By Lemuel Gulliver, Poet Laureate to the King of Lilliput. [Jan. 30] 1728. [By Henry Fielding.]* Kiss my a— is no Treason. Or, an Historical and Critical Dissertation upon the Art of Selling Bargains. 1728.* Gulliver Decypher’d: or Remarks on a late Book, intituled, Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. By Capt. Lemuel Gulliver, Vindicating the Reverend Dean on whom it is maliciously father’d. With some probable Conjectures concerning the Real Author. 2nd Edn., with a complete Key. [1728?]* †An Account of the State of Learning in the Empire of Lilliput: together with the History and Character of Bullum the Emperor’s Library-Keeper. 1728.* The Congress of Bees: or, Political Remarks on the Bees swarming at St James’s. With a Prognostication on that Occasion from the Smyrna Coffee-house. [Published July 18, 1728, without date.]* Harmony in an Uproar: A Letter to F——d——k H—d—l Esq: Mr. of the O—a H—e in the Hay-Market, from Hurlothrumbo Johnson, Esq. Composer Extraordinary to all the Theatres in G——t B—t—n excepting that of the Hay-Market. [Dated Feb. 12, 1733.]* The Freeholder’s Political Catechism. 1733. Written by Dr. Arbuthnot. First printed inMDCCXXIII and reprinted inMDCCLXIX. * †Critical Remarks on Capt. Gulliver’s Travels. By Doctor Bantley. Published from the Author’s Original MSS. Cambridge, 1735. [Dedication signed “R. B.”]* The History of John Bull, PartIII. Containing among other curious Particulars, a Faithful Narrative of the most Secret and Important Transactions of the Worshipful and Ancient Family of the Bulls, from Aug. 1, 1714 to JuneII, 1727. By Nathan Polesworth, Sir Humphrey’s Nephew, and sole Executor. 1774.- C. Biography and Criticisms
- Aitken, G. A. Life of Arbuthnot. [In Life and Works, 1892.]
- Chesterfield, earl of, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Letters of. Ed. Mahon, Lord. 1845. [Vol.
II contains a Character of Dr. Arbuthnot.] - Hansen, A. M. En Engelsk Forfattergruppe. Copenhagen, 1892.
- Sichel, W. Bolingbroke and his times. 1902.
- Stephen, Sir Leslie. Art. Arbuthnot, in Dictionary of National Biography, vol.
II. Wentworth Papers, 1883. - See, also, articles in the following Journals:
- Asclepiad, April, 1887. [By Sir B. W. Richardson, M. D.]
- Athenaeum, 12 March, 1892; 18 June, 1892; 17 June, 1893.
- Biographia Britannica. Ed. Kippis. 1778.
- Bookman, March, 1892. [Minto, W.]
- Cornhill Magazine, vol.
XXXIX, 91. - Edinburgh Review, January, 1893.
- London Magazine, 1, 48, 117:
II, 374:VI, 112:X: 364:XX, 96. - Monthly Review, September, 1750. [Notice of Miscellaneous Works.]
- Notes and Queries, Ser. 1, vol.
XII: Ser.III, vols. 1,II, VI: Ser.IV, vols.VI, VII: Ser.V, vol.XII: Ser.VI, vols. 1,VII, VIII. - Quarterly Review, April, 1893.
- Retrospective Review, vol.
VIII. - Speaker, 27 August, 1892.
- D. Appendix
- A Complete Key to the Three Parts of Law is a Bottomless-Pit, and the Story of the St. Alb-ns Ghost. 1712.
- Law not a Bottomless Pit: or Arguments against Peace, and some Queries Pro and Con. 1712.
- A Review of the State of John Bull’s Family, ever since the Probate of his Last Will and Testament. With some account of the Two Trumpeters, the hirelings of Roger Bold. 1713.
- John Bull’s Last Will and Testament, as drawn by a Welch Attorney. With a Preface to the Ar——p of C——ry. By an Eminent Lawyer of the Temple. 1713.
- A Postscript to John Bull, containing the History of the Crown-Inn, with the Death of the Widow, and what happened thereupon. [1714.]
- A Continuation of the History of the Crown-Inn, Part
II. [1714.] - A Further Continuation of the History of the Crown-Inn, Part
III. [1714.] - The Fourth and Last Part of the History of the Crown-Inn. With the character of John Bull, and other Novels. Part
IV. [1714.] - An Appendix to the History of the Crown Inn. With a Key to the whole. [1714.]
- The Present State of the Crown-Inn, for the first Three Years under the New Landlord. By the Author of the History of the Crown-Inn. 1717.
- A Supplement to the History of the Crown Inn. [1717?]
- A Letter to Mr. John Gay concerning his late Farce-entitled A Comedy. By Timothy Drub [pseud.]. 1717.
- The Confederates. By Joseph Gay [i.e. Capt. Breval]. 1717.
- A Complete Key to the New Farce, called Three Hours after Marriage. With an Account of the Authors. By E. Parker, Philomath [pseud.]. 1717.
- Gulliveriana: Or, a Fourth Volume of Miscellanies. Being a Sequel to the Three Volumes published by Pope and Swift. 1728.
- Literae de Re Nummaria: in opposition to the Commons Opinion that the Denarii Romani were never larger than seven in an ounce: With some Remarks on Dr. Arbuthnot’s Book and Tables. By the Rev. William Smith, Rector of Melsonby, Newcastle-on-Tyne. [July] 1729.
- An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot. [By Pope.] 1734. [Jan. 1735.]
- Observations on Dr. Arbuthnot’s Dissertations on Coins, & c. By B. Langwith. 1747.
- C
OLLEY CIBBER - See bibliography to Vol. VIII, Chap.
VI. - J
OHN DENNIS - A. Collections
- Miscellanies in Verse and Prose. 1693.
- Letters upon several Occasions: Written by and between Mr. Dryden, Mr. Wycherley, Mr.—, Mr. Congreve, and Mr. Dennis. Published by Mr. Dennis. With a new translation of Select Letters of Monsieur Voiture. 1696.
- Miscellany Poems, by Mr. Dennis. With Select Translations of Horace, Juvenal, Mons. Boileau’s Epistles, Satyrs, and Aesop’s Fables in Burlesque Verse. To which is added, The Passion of Byblis, with some critical observations on Mr. Oldham and his writings. With Letters and Poems. The second edition, with large additions. 1697.
- A Collection of Divine Hymns and Poems on several Occasions: By the E. of Roscommon, Mr. Dryden, Mr. Dennis, Mr. Norris, Mrs. Kath. Phillips, Philomela, and others. 1709.
- Select Works. Consisting of Plays, Poems, & c. 2 vols. 1718.
- Select Works. To which is added, Coriolanus, a tragedy. 2 vols. 1718–21.
- Original Letters, Familiar, Moral and Critical. In Two Volumes. 1721.
- Miscellaneous Tracts written by Mr. John Dennis in two Volumes. [Only one published.] 1727.
- B. Single Works
- For plays, see bibliography to Vol. VIII, Chap.
VII; and for writtings on the condition of the Stage, see bibliography to Vol. VIII, Chap.VI, section B, where add: The Characters and Conduct of Sir John Edgar, and his three Deputy Governours. 1720. - The Characters and Conduct of Sir John Edgar.… In a third and fourth letter to the knight. 1720.
- Poems in Burlesque; with a dedication in Burlesque, to Fleetwood Shepherd, Esquire. 1692.
- The Passion of Byblis, made English by Mr. Dennis. 1692.
- Gentleman’s Magazine, or the Monthly Miscellany, 1692–3. [Contains several poems by Dennis.]
- The Impartial Critick, or, Some Observations upon a late book entituled A Short View of Tragedy, written by Mr. Rymer. 1693.
- The Court of Death: A Pindarique Poem dedicated to the Memory of her most Sacred Majesty, Queen Mary. 1695.
- Remarks on a Book, entitul’d Prince Arthur, an Herioc Poem, with some general critical observations, and several new remarks upon Virgil. 1696.
- Letters on Milton and Congreve. 1696.
- The Nuptials of Britain’s Genius and Fame: A Pindarique Poem on the Peace. 1697.
- The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry. A Critical Discourse in two Parts. 1701.
- The Danger of Priestcraft to Religion and Government. Occasion’d by a Discourse of Mr. Sacheverell’s intitul’d The Political Union. 1702.
- The Monument: A Poem sacred to the immortal Memory of the best and greatest of Kings, William the Third. 1702.
- An Essay on the Navy, on England’s advantage and safety prov’d dependant on a formidable and well-disciplined Navy. 1702.
- A Proposal for putting a speedy end to the War. 1703.
- The Grounds of Criticism in Poetry, contain’d in some new discoveries never made before, requisite for the writing and judging of Poems surely. 1704.
- Britannia Triumphans: or the Empire sav’d and Europe deliver’d, by the Success of her Majesty’s Forces. A Poem. 1704.
- The Battle of Ramillia: or, The Power of Union. A Poem. 1706.
- An Essay on the Operas after the Italian Manner, which are about to be establish’d on the English Stage. With some Reflections on the damage which they may bring to the Publick. 1706.
- The Muses Mercury. 1707. [Several poems by Dennis.]
- Reflections upon a late Rhapsody called An Essay upon Criticism. 1711.
- An Essay upon Publick Spirit: being a Satyr in Prose upon the Manners and Luxury of the Times, 1711.
- An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Shakspear: with some Letters of Criticism to the Spectator. 1712.
- Remarks upon Cato, A Tragedy. 1713.
- A Poem upon the Death of Her late Sacred Majesty Queen Anne, and the most happy and most auspicious Accession of his Sacred Majesty King George. 1714.
- Priestcraft distinguish’d from Christianity. 1715.
- Remarks upon Mr. Pope’s translation of Homer: with two Letters concerning Windsor Forest, and The Temple of Fame. 1717.
- Julius Caesar acquitted, and his Murderers condemn’d, In a Letter to a Friend. 1722.
- A Defence of Sir Foppling Flutter, a Comedy. Written by Sir George Etheridge. 1722.
- A Short Essay towards an English Prosody. [In second edition of Greenwood’s Essay towards a practical English Grammar.] 1722.
- Remarks on a Play call’d The Conscious Lovers, a Comedy. 1723.
- Vice and Luxury Public Mischiefs: or Remarks on a Book intitul’d The Fable of the Bees, or Private Vices Public Benefits. 1724.
- Letters against Mr. Pope at Large. (See Daily Journal, 11 May, 1728.)
- The Faith and Duties of Christians. Written originally in Latin by the late Rev. Thomas Burnet. Translated into English by Mr. Dennis. [1728?]
- Remarks on Mr. Pope’s Rape of the Lock. In several Letters to a Friend. With a Preface, occasion’d by the late Treatise on the Profound and the Dunciad. 1728.
- Remarks upon several Passages in the Preliminaries to the Dunciad, both in the Quarto and in the duodecimo edition, and upon several passages in Pope’s Preface to his Translation of Homer’s Iliad. 1729.
- A Treatise concerning the State of Departed Souls.… Written originally in Latin by the late Rev. Dr. Thomas Burnet. Translated into English by Mr. Dennis.
- C. Doubtful Works
- A True Character of Mr. Pope. [1717.]
- A Compleat Collection of all the Verses, Essays, Letters and Advetisements, which have been occasioned by the publication in three Volumes of Miscellanies, by Pope and Company. 1728.
- D. Authorities
- John Dennis. His Life and Criticism. By Paul, H. G. New York, 1911.
- Dictionary of National Biography. Art. by Roberts, William.
- Life of Richard Steele. By Aitken, G. A. 1889.
- Works of Alexander Pope. Edd. Elwin and Courthope. 1871–89.
- Retrospective Review. Vol. 1. Art. by Talfourd, Sir T. N.
- E. Adversaria
- The Justice of the Peace: or, A Vindication of the Peace from several late pamphlets, written by Mr. Congreve, Dennis, & c. 1697.
- The New Association … Occasion’d by a late pamphlet entitul’d The Danger of Priestcraft. [By Charles Leslie.] 1702.
- The Narrative of Dr. R. Norris, concerning the frenzy of Mr. J. Denn—.[By Pope.] [1713.]
- The Critical Specimen. 1715.
- A Critick no Wit: Or, Remarks on Mr. Dennis’s late Play, called, The Invader of his Country. In a letter from a School-Boy to the Author. 1720.
- An Answer to a whimsical Pamphlet call’d, The character of Sir John Edgar, & c. 1720.
- A free consideration and confutation of Sir John Edgar. By Sir Andrew Artlove. (Applebee’s Journal, 1720. Rptd. in The Theatre, & c., 1791.)
- The Life of Mr. John Dennis, the renowned Critick. Not written by Mr. Curll. 1734.
- T
HOMAS EDWARDS - A Supplement to Mr. Warburton’s edition of Shakespear, being the Canons of Criticism, and Glossary, collected from the notes in that celebrated work. 1747.
- The Canons of Criticism, and Glossary, being a Supplement to Mr. Warburton’s edition of Shakespear, collected from the notes in that celebrated work, and proper to be Bound up with it. 1748. [Often reprinted.]
- An Account of the Trial of the Letter [char] alias Y. [Published with a design of settling the orthography of our language.] 1753.
- Free and Candid Thoughts on the Doctrine of Predestination. 1761. Sonnets by Edwards are in Dodsley’s Collection, and in the last editions of the “Canons of Criticism.” Letters will be found in vol.
III of Richardson’s “Correspondence.” Akenside wrote an Ode to Edwards on his controversy with Warburton. - C
HARLES GILDON - History of the Athenian Society. 1691.
- The Postboy robbed of his Mail, or, the Pacquet broke open, consisting of 500 letters to Persons of several Qualities. 1692.
- Nuncius Infernalis: or, a new Account from below. In two dialogues. 1692.
- A Letter to Mr. D’Urfey, occasioned by his play called The Marriage Hater Matched. 1692.
- Miscellany Poems upon several Occasions, 1692.
- Miscellaneous Letters and Essays … in prose and verse … by several ladies and gentleman. 1694.
- Miscellaneous Works of the Deist, Charles Blount. 1695.
- Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets. [See Langbaine, post.] 1699.
- Examen Miscellaneum. 1702.
- A Comparison of the Two Stages. 1702.
- The Deists’ Manual, or a rational enquiry into the Christian Religion. 1705.
- The Life of Mr. Thomas Betterton. 1710.
- A New Rehearsal: or, Bays the Younger, containing an examen of Mr. Rowe’s plays, and a word or two on Mr. Pope’s “Rape of the Lock.” 1714.
- The Complete Art of Poetry. 2 vol. 1817.
- The Life and Adventures of Mr. D—— De F——, of London, Hosier. 1719.
- The Laws of Poetry as laid down by… Buckingham, … Roscommon and … Lansdown, explained and illustrated. 1721.
- Plays
- The Roman Bride’s Revenge. 1697.
- Phaetan, or the Fatal Divorce. 1698.
- Measure for Measure. [Adapted from Shakespeare.] 1700.
- Love’s Victim. 1701.
- The Patriot, or the Italian Conspiracy. 1703.
- Z
ACHARY GREY - A Vindication of the Church of England. 1720.
- Presbyterian Prejudice displayed. 1722.
- A Pair of Clean Shoes for a Dirty Baronet, or an answer to Sir Richard Cox. 1722.
- The Knight of Dumbleton foiled at his own weapon. 1723.
- A Century of Presbyterian Preachers. 1723.
- A Letter of Thanks to Mr. Benjamin Bennet. 1723.
- A Caveat against Mr. Benjamin Bennet. 1724.
- A Defence of our Critical and Modern Historians against the frivolous cant of a late pretender to Critical History. [Oldmixon.] 1724.
- A Looking-Glass for Schismaticks. 1725.
- The Ministry of the Dissenters proved to be null and void. 1725.
- The Spirit of Infidelity detected. 1736.
- English Presbyterian Eloquence. 1736.
- Examination of Dr. Chandler’s “History of Persecution.” 1736.
- The True Picture of Quakerism. 1736.
- A Caveat against the Dissenters. 1736.
- An impartial Examination of Mr. Daniel Neal’s “History of the Puritans.” 1736.
- An Examination of the 14th Chapter of Sir Isaac Newton’s “Observations upon Daniel.” 1736.
- An Attempt towards the Character of Charles I. 1738.
- The Schismatics delineated. By Philalethes Cantabrigiensis. 1739.
- A Vindication of the Government of the Church of England. 1740.
- The Quakers and Methodists compared. 1740.
- A Review of Mr. Daniel Neal’s “History of the Puritans.” 1744.
- Hudibras, in three Parts, written in the time of the late Civil Wars, corrected and amended, with large annotations and a preface; adorned with a new set of cuts. [Edited by Grey, Z.] 2 vols. 1744.
- A Serious Address to Lay Methodists. 1745.
- A Word or two of Advice to William Warburton, a dealer in many words. By a Friend. With an Appendix containing a taste of William’s spirit of railing. 1746.
- Remarks upon a late Edition of Shakespeare … to which is prefixed a Defence of the late Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart., addressed to the Rev. Mr. Warburton. [1748?]
- A Free and familiar Letter to that great refiner of Pope and Shakespeare, the Rev. Mr. W. Warburton. 1750.
- Critical, Historical, and Explanatory Notes upon Hudibras, by way of Supplement to the two editions published in 1744 and 1745. 1752.
- Critical, Historical, and Explanatory Notes on Shakespeare. 1754.
- Memoirs of the Life and Writings of T. Baker, from the papers of Zachary Grey.… By R. Masters. 1784.
- B
ENJAMIN HEATH - An Essay towards a demonstrative proof of the Divine Existence, Unity, and Attributes. 1740.
- Notae sive Lectiones ad … Aeschyli, Sophoclis, Euripidis quae supersunt dramata deperditorumque reliquiae. 1762.
- The Case of the County of Devon with respect to the consequences of the new Excise Duty on Cyder and Perry. 1763.
- A Revisal of Shakespeare’s Text, wherein the alterations introduced into it by the more modern editors and critics are particularly considered. [Anon.] 1765.
- Annotations illustrative of the Plays of Shakespeare, by Johnson, Stevens, Malone, Heath, & c. 1819.
- J
OHN HUGHES - The Triumph of Peace, a Poem. 1698.
- The Court of Neptune. 1699.
- The House of Nassau, a Pindaric Ode. 1702.
- An Ode in praise of Music. 1703.
- A complete History of England. 3 vols. [Hughes collected materials, and translated a Life of Queen Mary in vol.
II. ] 1706. - Advices from Parnassus.… All translated from the Italian by several Hands. Revised and corrected by Mr. Hughes. 1706.
- Fontenelle’s Dialogues of the Dead … with two original Dialogues. 1708.
- Calypso and Telemachus, an Opera. 1712.
- An Ode to the Creator of the World. 1713.
- The Lay Monk. [With Sir R. Blackmore.] 1713–14. [Republished in 1714 as the “Lay Monastery.”]
- The Works of Mr. Edmund Spenser.… With a glossary explaining the old and obscure words. 6 vols. 1715.
- Apollo and Daphne: A Masque. 1716.
- An Ode for the birthday of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales. 1716.
- A Layman’s Thoughts on the late treatment of the Bishop of Bangor. 1717.
- Charon, or The Ferry-Boat. A Vision. Dedicated to the Swiss Count — [J. J. Heidegger.] 1719.
- The Ecstacy: An Ode. 1720.
- The Siege of Damascus: A Tragedy. 1720.
- Letters of Abelard and Heloise.… Extracted chiefly from Monsieur Bayle. Translated from the French. 1722.
- Poems on Several Occasions, with some select Essays in Prose. Ed. Duncombe, W. 2 vols. 1735. [Hughes’s Poems are in the ordinary collections, including Johnson’s (with a Life).]
- The Complicated Guilt of the late Rebellion. 1745. [Written in 1716.]
- Letters by several eminent Persons deceased, ed. by Rev. John Duncombe. [Contains Hughes’s correspondence, some new pieces, and the original plan of the “Siege of Damascus.”] 1773.
- W
ILLIAM KING, D.C.L. - A. Collected Works
- Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse. [1705.]
- Remains of Dr. William King. [Ed. Brown, J.] 1732.
- Posthumous Works of Dr. William King. Ed. Browne, Joseph, M.D. 1734.
- The Original Works of William King, LL.D., with historical notes, and memoirs of the Author. [By John Nichols.] 3 vols. 1776.
- B. Single Works
- Reflections upon Mons. Varillas’s History of Heresy. [With Edward Hannes.] 1688.
- A Dialogue showing the Way to Modern Preferment. [1690.]
- Animadversions on a pretended Account of Denmark. 1694.
- A Journey to London in the year 1698. After the ingenious method of that made by Dr. Martin Lister to Paris in the same year. Written originally in French, by Monsieur Sorbière, and newly translated into English. 1698.
- A short Account of Dr. Bentley’s Humanity and Justice. 1699.
- Dialogues of the Dead, relating to the present controversy concerning the Epistles of Phalaris. 1699.
- The Furmetary. A very innocent and harmless Poem. 1699.
- The Transactioner, with some of his Philosophical Fancies, in two Dialogues. 1700.
- Molly of Mountown. 1704.
- The Fairy Feast. Written by the Author of A Tale of a Tub. [This is the same piece as “Orpheus and Euridice.”] 1704.
- The Art of Cookery, in imitation of Horace’s Art of Poetry: with some Letters to Dr. Lister and others, occasioned principally by the title of a book published by the Doctor, being the works of Apicius Caelius, concerning the Soups and Sauces of the Ancients. [1708.]
- The Art of Love: In Imitation of Ovid de Arte Amandi. 1709.
- Useful Transactions in Philosophy and other sorts of Learning, to be continued monthly, as they sell. [3 parts.] 1709.
- A friendly Letter from honest Tom Boggy to the Rev. Mr. Goddard, Canon of Windsor. 1710.
- A second Letter to Mr. Goddard, occasioned by the late Panegyric given him by the Review. 1710.
- A Vindication of the Rev. Dr. Sacheverell. 1711.
- Mr. Bisset’s Recantation. 1711.
- An Answer to a second scandalous Book that Mr. Bisset is now writing. 1711.
- Historical Account of the Heathen Gods and Heroes. 1711. [Fourth edn., 1727.]
- Rufinus, or an Historical Essay on the favourite Ministry under Theodosius and his son Arcadius. 1711.
- Useful Miscellanies, Part the First. 1712.
- Britain’s Palladium, or Lord Bolingbroke’s Welcome from France. 1712.
- Apple Pye. [Printed in The Northern Atlantis.] 1713.
- An Essay on Civil Government. 1776.
- C. Appendix
- A Letter to Dr. W. King, occasioned by his Art of Cookery. [An attack.] 1708.
- A Pindarick Ode to the memory of Dr. William King. [A eulogy.] 1712.
- G
ERARD LANGBAINE - The Hunter: A discourse of Horsemanship. Oxford, 1685.
- Momus Triumphans, or the Plagiaries of the English Stage exposed. 1688.
- A new Catalogue of English Plays. 1688.
- An Account of the English Dramatic Poets, or some observations and remarks on the lives and writings of all those that have published either comedies, tragedies, tragicomedies, pastorals, masques, interludes, farces, or operas, in the English Tongue. Oxford, 1691.
- The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets: First began by Mr. Langbain, improved and continued down to this time by a careful Hand. [Gildon.] 1699.
- J
AMES PUCKLE (1667?–1724) - The Club, or A Dialogue between Father and Son, in vino veritas. 1711. New edns., 1834 and 1890.
- T
HOMAS RYMER - See bibliographies to Vol. VIII, Chapters
VI B andVII, also to ChaptersVII andVIII of the present volume. - J
OHN UPTON - Epicteti quae supersunt dissertationes ab Arriano collectae.… Recensuit notisque illustravit J. Uptonus. 1739. [Another edition, 2 vols. 1744. Upton’s notes were used by Schweighäuser in his edition of 1799–1800.]
- Critical Observations on Shakespeare. 1746. [Second edition, 1748.]
- A new Canto of Spenser’s “Fairie Queene.” [? by Upton.] 1747.
- A letter concerning a new Edition of Spenser’s “Fairie Queene.” To Gilbert West, Esq. 1751.
- Spenser’s “Fairie Queene” … With a glossary and notes by John Upton. 1758. [In An impartial Estimate of the Reverend Mr. Upton’s Notes on the Fairy Queen, 1759, Upton is charged with copying from Wharton without acknowledgment.]