Samuel Waddington, comp. The Sonnets of Europe. 1888.
“Ye are the Branches”Vittoria Colonna (1490–1547)
Translated by James Glassford, of Dougalston
Am graffed in that true vine a living shoot,
Whose arms embrace the world, and in whose root,
Planted by faith, our life must hidden lie.
But thou beholdest how I fade and dry,
Choked with a waste of leaf, and void of fruit,
Unless thy spring perennial shall recruit
My sapless branch, still wanting fresh supply.
O cleanse me, then, and make me to abide
Wholly in thee, to drink thy heavenly dew
And watered daily with my tears to grow.
Thou art the truth, thy promise is my guide;
Prepare me when Thou comest, Lord, to show
Fruits answering to the stock on which I grew.