Samuel Waddington, comp. The Sonnets of Europe. 1888.
On His Astræa’s ArisingPierre de Ronsard (1524–1585)
Translated by Thomas Ashe
The dawn not rises freshlier from the sea,
Nor fairer shone the new-made deity
Of love, a-sail for Cyprus in her shell,
Than she I love above all words can tell,
My sainted star, at morn arose for me:
How laughed the heaven! and knowing it was she,
The flowers raised head to bless and greet her well!
The heaven-born Graces flitted round her brow,
And Youth and Love would low before her bow;
But—this ’twas made my slavery complete—
No touch of art her beauty deigned to show:
The unfair face with art may fairer grow;
Fair face without is ever fair and sweet.