Samuel Waddington, comp. The Sonnets of Europe. 1888.
As toward the Ascrean MountGiambattista Felice Zappi (1667–1719)
Translated by Thomas Le Mesurier
Attending Glory at my right I hail;—
She cheers my heart, forbids my strength to fail,
And On, she cries, for I with thee will stay.
But as the long drear wastes our steps delay,
Sudden doth Envy at my left assail,
And says, I too am here:—her lips’ dead pale
Speaks the black poisons on her heart that prey.
What then remains? If back my course I take,
Envy, I know, that instant far is flown;
But then shall Glory too my side forsake.
With both will I the mountain’s topmost height
Resolve to gain: the one my toil shall crown,
The other see it, and fret and burst with spite.