Samuel Waddington, comp. The Sonnets of Europe. 1888.
On the Death of Garcilaso de la Vega, Slain in BattleFrancisco de Figueroa (c. 1530–1588)
Translated by Hon. William Herbert
That e’er in fertile mead or forest grew!
With freshest bloom adorned and vigour new,
Gracious in form, and first in dignity!
The same fell tempest, which by heaven’s decree
Around thy parent stock resistless blew,
And far from Tejo fair its trunk o’erthrew,
In foreign clime hath stripped the leaves from thee.
And the same pitying hand hath from the spot
Of cheerless ruin raised you to rejoice,
Where fruit immortal decks the withered stem!
I will not, like the vulgar, mourn your lot;
But, with pure incense and exulting voice,
Praise your high worth, and consecrate your fame.