Alfred H. Miles, ed. The Sacred Poets of the Nineteenth Century. 1907.
By II. The Inward Witness (Where is your God?) (1873)James Martineau (18051900)
Answer them, Lord most Holy!
Reveal Thy secret way
Of visiting the lowly:
Not wrapped in moving cloud,
Or nightly-resting fire;
But veiled within the shroud
Of silent high desire.
Or bursting frown of thunder:
Come in the viewless form
Of wakening love and wonder;—
Of duty grown divine,
The restless spirit, still;
Of sorrows taught to shine
As shadows of Thy will.
E’en in their deep confessing,—
Can see Thee as their own,
And find the perfect blessing:
Yet to each waiting soul
Speak in Thy still small voice,
Till broken love’s made whole,
And saddened hearts rejoice.