Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
IV. Christmas Sonnets. 3. To R. H. S.Bayard Taylor (1825–1878)
Moves to a farther, fairer realm the time
When first we twain the pleasant land of rhyme
Discovered, choosing side by side our seats
Below our separate gods: in midnight streets
And haunted attics flattered by the chime
Of silver words, and fed by faith sublime,
I Shelley’s mantle wore, you that of Keats,—
Dear dreams, that marked the Muse’s childhood then,
Nor now to be disowned! The years go by:
The clear-eyed goddess flatters us no more,
And yet, I think, in soberer aims of men
And servitude of Song, that you and I
Are nearer, dearer, faithfuller than before.