Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
III. Christmas Sonnets. 2. To E. C. S.Bayard Taylor (1825–1878)
Green Cedarcroft, the summer breezes blew,
And from the walnut-shadows I and you,
Dear Edmund, saw the red lawn-roses shine,
Or, following our idyllic Brandywine
Through meadows flecked with many a flowery hue,
To where with wild Arcadian pomp I drew
Your Bacchic march among the startled kine,—
You gave me, linked with old Mæonides,
Your loving sonnet,—record dear and true
Of days as dear; and now, when suns are brief
And Christmas snows are on the naked trees,
I give you this,—a withered winter leaf,
Yet with your blossom from one root it grew!