Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
“Here is the spring where waters flowe”XCVIII. Thomas Gressop
To quench our heate of sinne;
Here is the tree where trueth doth grow,
To leade our liues therein.
When men’s deuices faile;
Here is the bread that feedes the life
That death cannot assaile.
Comes to our eares from hence;
The fortresse of our faith is here,
And shield of our defence.
A pearle at his desire;
And takes more pleasure of the trough,
And wallowing in the myre.
But with a single eye;
Reade not, but first desire God’s grace,
To vnderstand thereby.
To fructifie therein;
That knowledge may bring this effect,
To mortifie thy sinne.
Whatso to the befalles:
Yea, double happie shalt thou be,
When God by death thee calles.