Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
“God is my strength”XCVII. John Marbeck
2 SAM. XXII. 2–7.
Put all my hope and trust;
For I do finde him vnto me
Both mercifull and iust.
My tower that is so strong;
My refuge and my Sauiour,
From taking any wrong.
Who worthy is of prayse;
Not doubting then but that I shall
Preserued be alwayes.
And griped me full sore;
The flowing floods of wicked men
Did fray me more and more.
Me compassed about;
The snares were set to trappe me in,
That I should not get out.
Unto the Lord on hye,
Who from out of his holy place
Gaue eare vnto my cry.