Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Sonnet VV. Barnaby Barnes
Sweete blossome, stocke, and root of David’s line,
The cleare, bright morning-starre, give light and shine
On my poore spirit; which hath new begunne
With his Love’s praise, and with vain loves hath donne.
To my poor Muse let him his eares incline,
Thirsting to taste of that celestiall wine
Whose purple streame hath our salvation wonne.
O gracious Bridegroome! and thrice-lovely Bride!
Which—“Come and fill who will”—for ever crie;
“Water of life to no man is denyde;
Fill still, who will,—if any man be drye.”
O heavenly voice! I thirst, I thirst, and come
For life, with other sinners to get some.