Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Sonnet IIV. Barnaby Barnes
That comfortable antidote distilde,
Which that ranck poyson hath expeld and kild,
In our old wretched father Adam found
In Paradise, when he desertlesse crown’d
Receav’d it as th’ envenomde Serpent willde;
Insteede of lustfull eyes with arrowes fillde
Of sinful loves, which from their beames abound,
Let those sweete blessed wounds with streams of grace
Aboundantly sollicite my poor spirite,
Ravishde with love of Thee, that didst debase
Thyselfe on earth, that I might heaven inherite.
O blessed sweet wounds! fountains of electre!
My wounded soul’s balm, and salvation’s nectre.