
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

The Blessed Birth-day, Celebrated in Some Sanctified Meditations on the Angels’ Anthem

LXXXVII. Charles Fitzgeffrey

Luke II. 14.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men.

WHY should not we with joy resound and sing

The blessed natals of our heavenly King?

Why should not we with mirth salute the morn

Of his birth-day by whom we are new born?

See how each creature in his kind rejoyces,

And shall not we lift up melodious voices?

Hark how the angels sing!—shall we be sad?

The greatest good is ours—be we most glad.

Hark how the star-enamel’d heavens rebound

With echos of angelick anthems’ sound!

It is for us that they those joyes expresse;

And shall not we shew forth some thankfulnesse?

Joyn we in consort these sweet quires among,

In sundry voices sing we all one song,

Glory to God on high, on earth be peace,

And let good-will towards Christians never cease.