Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Stanzas from “An Agnus Dei”LXXXVI. John Weever
His wife sends to him, fairely to entreate
That in no wise with Jesus he would mell,
For in a sleep strange things to her befell
Concerning him: he Jesus would haue quit,
But none would grant which on the bench did sit.
He puts al to the people’s choice: they choose
Jesus for death, and Barrabas let loose.
Prevailing not, then Pontious Pilate stands
Before them all, took water, washt his hands,
Appealing both to heuens and to the earth
That he was guiltlesse of this iust man’s death.
Then answered the destraughted multitude—
“Vpon us and our children bee his blood.”