Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
To the Kinge’s MaiestieLXXIII. S. A. Gorges
And chaunge beganne your raigne,
Then Time reft vs a soueraigne blisse,
Which chaunge repay’de with gaine.
Time now, by shortninge his owne time,
Hath chaung’d the aged yeare:
Yet in my long-borne zeale Time’s chaunge
Can make no chaunge appeare.
But many a blessed chaunge of times
Heauens graunt your time may see;
That Time chaunge not your royall race,
Till Time no more shalbe.
Most humble and loyall,
Your wisdome, bountie, and peace-bless’d raygne,
My skill is least, but of the most import,
Because not school’d by favours, gyfts, or gaine;
And that which more approves my truthfull layes,
To sweete my tunes I straine not flattrye’s strynge;
But holde that temper in your royall prayse
That longe I did before you were my kinge;
As one that vertue for it selfe regards,
And loues his kinge more than his king’s rewards.