Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Ladie Culros’ DreamLXXII. Elizabeth Melvill
For sundrie things wherewith my soull was grieved,
My grieff increased, and grew more and more,
I comfort fled, and could not be relieved;
With heaviness myne heart was sore mischieved,
I loath’d my lyfe, I could not eat or drink;
I might not speak, nor look to none that lived,
But mused alone, and divers things did think.
I thought upon this fals and yron age,
And how our hearts were so to vyce inclyn’d,
That Satan seem’d most frightfully to rage.
Nothing on earth my sorrow could asswadge,
I felt my sinne most stronglie to increase;
I greiv’d the Sprite had want to be my pledge,
My soull was plunged in most deep distress.
All earthlie joyes did still increase my wo;
In companie I could no way remayn,
But fled resort, and still alone did go.
My sillie soull was tossed to and fro
With sundrie thoughts, which troubled me full sore;
I preass’d to pray, but sighs ore set me so,
I could do nought but groan, and say no more.
Myne heart was eas’d when I had mourn’d my fill:
Then I began my lamantation,
And said, “O Lord! how long is it thy will
That my poor sayncts shall be afflicted still?
Alace! how long shall subtle Satan rage?
Make haste, O Lord, thy promise to fulfill;
Make haste to end my paynfull pilgrimage.”