T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
The Vintage
By Anacreon (582–485 B.C.)(From the Odes; translated by Thomas Stanley, 1651) |
MEN and maids at time of year | |
The ripe clusters jointly bear | |
To the press, but in when thrown, | |
They by men are trod alone, | |
Who in Bacchus’ praises join, | 5 |
Squeeze the grape, let out the wine: | |
Oh with what delight they spy | |
The new must when tunned work high! | |
Which if old men freely take, | |
Their grey heads and heels they shake; | 10 |
And a young man, if he find | |
Some fair maid to sleep resign’d | |
In the shade, he straight goes to her, | |
Wakes, and roundly ’gins to woo her; | |
Whilst Love slily stealing in | 15 |
Tempts her to the pleasing sin: | |
Yet she long resists his offers, | |
Nor will hear whate’er he proffers, | |
Till perceiving that his prayer | |
Melts into regardless air, | 20 |
Her, who seemingly refrains, | |
He by pleasing force constrains; | |
Wine doth boldness thus dispense, | |
Teaching young men insolence. | |