MAN. | NOW in the Garden are we well met, | |
| To crave our promise, for promise is a debt. | |
WOMAN. | Come, sit thee down all by my side, and when that thou art set, say what thou wilt unto me. | |
MAN. | Show me unfeignedly, and tell me thy mind, | |
| For one may have a young wench that is not overkind. | 5 |
WOMAN. | Seek all the world for such a one, then hardly shall you find a Love of such perfection. | |
MAN. | This single life is wearisome: fain would I marry, | |
| But fear of ill choosing makes me to tarry: | |
| Some says that flesh is flexible, and quickly it will vary. | |
WOMAN. | It’s very true,—God mend them. | 10 |
MAN. | Why speak’st thou ill of women, sith thou thyself art one? | |
WOMAN. | Would all the rest were constant save I myself alone! | |
MAN. | Faith, good or bad, or howsoe’re, I cannot live alone, but needs I must be married. | |
WOMAN. | To marry with a young wench,—she’ll make thee poor with pride: | |
| To marry with one of middle age,—perhaps she hath been tried: | 15 |
| To marry with an old one,—to freeze by fire side: both old and young are faulty. | |
MAN. | I’ll marry with a young wench of beauty and of wit. | |
WOMAN. | It is better tame a young Colt without a curbing bit. | |
MAN. | But she will throw her rider down. | |
WOMAN. | I, true, he cannot sit, when Fillies fall a wighing. | 20 |
MAN. | I’ll marry one of middle age, for she will love me well. | |
WOMAN. | But if her middle much be used, by heaven and by hell! | |
| Thou shalt find more griefs than thousand tongues can tell: Ah, silly man, God help thee! | |
MAN. | I’ll marry with an old wench that knows not good from bad. | |
WOMAN. | But once within a fortnight she’ll make her husband mad. | 25 |
MAN. | Beshrew thee for thy counsel, for thou hast made me sad; but needs I must be married. | |
WOMAN. | To marry with a young wench me thinks it were a bliss: | |
| To marry one of middle age it were not much amiss: | |
| I’d marry one of old age, and match where money is; there’s none are bad in choosing. | |
MAN. | Then thou, for all thy saying, commendst the single life. | 30 |
WOMAN. | I, freedom is a popish banishment of strife. | |
MAN. | Hold thy tongue, fond woman, for I must have a wife. | |
WOMAN. | A Cuckold in reversion. | |
| When you are once married, all one whole year, | |
| Tell me of your fortune, and meet with me here; | 35 |
| To think upon my counsel thou wilt shed many a tear; till which time I will leave thee. | |
MAN. | Were I but assured, and of a Beggar’s lot, | |
| Still to live in misery and never worth a groat, | |
| To have my head well furnished as any horned Goat: for all this would I marry. | |
| Farewell, you lusty Bachelors, to marriage I am bent; | 40 |
| When I have tried what marriage is, I’ll tell you the event, | |
| And tell the cause, if cause there be, wherein I do repent that ever I did marry. |