T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
A Maidenhead
Percy’s Folio Manuscript(Anonymous) COME, sit thee down by these cool streams, | |
Never yet warmed by Titans beams! | |
My tender youth thy waist shall clip, | |
And fix upon thy Cherry lip; | |
And lay thee down on this green bed, | 5 |
Where thou shalt lose thy maidenhead. | |
See how the little Phillip Sparrow, | |
Whose joints do overflow with marrow, | |
On yonder bough how he doth prove | |
With his mate the joys of love, | 10 |
And doth instruct thee, as he doth tread, | |
How thou shalt lose thy maidenhead. | |
O you younglings, be not nice! | |
Coyness in maids is such a vice, | |
That if in youth you do not marry, | 15 |
In age young men will let you tarry. | |
By my persuasion then be led, | |
And lose in time thy maidenhead. | |
Clothes that embroidered be with gold, | |
If never worn, will quickly mold; | 20 |
If in time you do not pluck | |
The damisine or the Apricock, | |
In pinching Autumn thee’ll be dead; | |
Then lose in time thy maidenhead! | |