T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
A Friend of Mine
Percy’s Folio Manuscript(Anonymous) A FRIEND of mine not long ago | |
desired at my hands | |
Some pretty toy to move delight | |
to those that hearers stand. | |
The which I mean to gratify | 5 |
by all the means I may, | |
And move delight in every wight | |
that with affection stay. | |
Some thought to prove wherein I should | |
these several humors please, | 10 |
The which to do, reason forbids, | |
but I should some displease; | |
But since my muse doth pleasure Chuse, | |
and thereon bends her skill, | |
Whereby I may drive time away, | 15 |
and sorrows quite beguile. | |
It was my Chance, not long ago, | |
by a pleasant wood to walk, | |
Where I unseen of any one | |
did hear two lovers talk; | 20 |
And as these lovers forth did pass, | |
hard by a pleasant shade, | |
Hard by a mighty Pine tree there, | |
their resting place they made. | |
“Insooth,” then did this young man say, | 25 |
“I thinke this fragrant place | |
Was only made for lovers true | |
each other to embrace.” | |
He took her by the middle small,— | |
good sooth I do not mock,— | 30 |
Not meaning to do any thing | |
but to pull up her: smo: block. | |
Whereon she sat, poor silly soul, | |
to rest her weary bones. | |
This maid she was no whit afraid, | 35 |
but she caught him fast by the: stones: thumbs; | |
Whereat he vext and grieved was, | |
so that his flesh did wrinkle; | |
This maid she was no whit afraid, | |
but caught him fast hold by the: pintle: pimple. | 40 |
Which he had on his chin likewise;— | |
but let that pimple pass;— | |
There is no man here but he may suppose | |
she were a merry lass. | |
He boldly ventured, being tall, | 45 |
yet in his speech bu[t] blunt, | |
He never ceast, but took up all, | |
and caught her by the Cun: plumpe. | |
And red rose lips he kist full sweet: | |
quoth she, “I crave no sucour.” | 50 |
Which made him to have a mighty mind | |
to clip, kiss, and to fuck: pluck her | |
Into his arms. “Nay! soft!” quoth she, | |
“what needeth all this doing? | |
For if you will be ruled by me, | 55 |
you shall use small time in wooing. | |
“For I will lay me down,” quoth she, | |
“upon the slippery segs, | |
And all my clothes I’ll truss up round, | |
and spread about my: legs: eggs, | 60 |
Which I have in my apron here | |
under my girdle tuckt; | |
So shall I be most fine and brave, | |
most ready to be: fuckt: duckt | |
“Unto some pleasant springing well; | 65 |
for now its time of the year | |
To deck, and bathe, and trim ourselves | |
both head, hands, feet and gear.” | |