Sir Walter Raleigh
Title: Sir Walter Raleigh
Author: Raleigh, Sir Walter
Title: Sir Walter Raleigh
Author: Raleigh, Sir Walter
Thirty selections from the Elizabethan adventurer, including Classical verse translations from his influential History of the World. The Discovery of Guiana
From Voyages and Travels. Preface to the History of the World
From Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books. Bartlett’s Raleigh Quotations
Epitomal selections by John Bartlett. Raleigh Similes
Conclusion; Her Reply; His Pilgrimage; His Pilgrimage; Silent Lover i.; Silent Lover ii.; The Lie; Verses; What Is Our Life
“Sir Walter Ralegh”
Chapter by Louise Creighton with bibliography from the Cambridge History of English Literature.