Herbert J.C. Grierson, ed. (1886–1960). Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the 17th C. 1921.
1625–1678 Thomas StanleyThe Repulse
I am releas’d,
And freed from thy tyrannick chain,
Do I my self think blest;
No more; for know
That I shall into ashes turn,
Before this fire doth so.
I now may rove,
And with new beauties please my mind;
But that thou ne’r didst love:
Felt of this flame,
I onely from thy tyrant heart
Repuls’d, not banish’d am.
Would grieve me more
Then those inconstant sweets of thine
Had pleas’d my soul before.
I ne’r possest;
And spight of fate am blest in this,
That I was never blest.