C.N. Douglas, comp. Forty Thousand Quotations: Prose and Poetical. 1917.
Category Index
- Ability
- Absence
- Absent
- Absolution
- Abstinence
- Abstract
- Absurdity
- Abundance
- Abuse
- Acacia
- Accent
- Accidents
- Accommodated
- Accountability
- Accusation
- Aces
- Aches
- Acknowledgments
- Acquaintances
- Acquirements
- Acting
- Action
- Acuteness
- Adam
- Adaptation
- Address
- Adieu
- Admiration
- Admonition
- Adoption
- Adore
- Adorn
- Advent
- Adventure
- Adversary
- Adversity
- Advertisements
- Advice
- Affectation
- Affection
- Affliction
- Affront
- After
- Age
- Agree
- Agriculture
- Alchemy
- Alienation, Evils of
- Allegory
- Almond
- Alms
- Alone
- Amaranth
- Ambassador
- Ambition
- America
- Amiability
- Amnesty
- Amusement
- Analogy
- Anarchy
- Anatomy
- Ancestry
- Ancients
- Anemone
- Angels
- Anger
- Angling
- Animal
- Annihilation
- Anticipation
- Antiquity
- Anxiety
- Apathy
- Aphorism
- Apology
- Apostasy
- Apothegm
- Apparel
- Apparitions
- Appearance
- Appetite
- Applause
- Apple
- Appreciation
- April
- Arbor Bay (see Trees)
- Arbutus
- Archeology
- Architecture
- Argument
- Aristocracy
- Army
- Arrogance
- Art
- Artifice
- Ascension Day
- Aspiration
- Assassination
- Assertion
- Associates
- Association
- Assurance
- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Atheism
- Athens
- Attention
- Attractiveness
- August
- Authority
- Authorship
- Autumn
- Avarice
- Aversion
- Awe
- Awkwardness
- Babbler
- Babe—Babyhood
- Babe (Death of)
- Bachelor
- Backsliding
- Ballads
- Ballot
- Baptism
- Bargain
- Baseness
- Bashfulness
- Battle—Battlefield
- Beard
- Beau
- Beauty
- Bed
- Bees
- Beggar
- Beginnings
- Behavior
- Belief
- Bells
- Benevolence
- Bereavement
- Bible
- Bigotry
- Biography
- Birds
- Birth—Birthplace
- Birthday
- Blackbird
- Blacksmith
- Blame
- Blandishment
- Blessedness
- Blessings
- Blindness
- Bliss
- Blockhead
- Blood
- Bluebell
- Bluebird
- Bluntness
- Blushes
- Blustering
- Boasting
- Bobolink
- Body
- Boldness
- Bondage
- Books
- Bores
- Borrowing
- Boston
- Bounty
- Boyhood
- Brains
- Bravery
- Brevity
- Bribery
- Bride
- Brooks
- Brotherhood
- Brute
- Building
- Burlesque
- Burns
- Business
- Busybodies
- Butcher
- Buttercup
- Butterfly
- Calamities
- Calm
- Calumny
- Canary
- Candor
- Cant
- Caprice
- Cards
- Care
- Carelessness
- Caricature
- Carpentry
- Castles in the Air
- Cat
- Cause
- Caution
- Celibacy
- Celerity
- Cemeteries
- Censure
- Ceremony
- Chance
- Change
- Character
- Charity
- Charm
- Chastity
- Cheerfulness
- Child (Death of)
- Childhood
- Children
- Children’s Day (See Sunday School)
- Chivalry
- Choice
- Christ
- Christ (Death of)
- Christ (Resurrection of)
- Christ (Saviour)
- Christian
- Christianity
- Christmas
- Chrysanthemum
- Church
- Churchyard
- Circles
- Circumspection
- Circumstances
- Cities—Citizen
- Civility
- Civilization
- Cleanliness
- Clematis
- Clemency
- Clergyman
- Cleverness
- Climate
- Clouds
- Color
- Comet
- Comfort
- Command—Commander
- Commendation
- Commerce
- Common Sense
- Commonwealth
- Communion
- Communism
- Company—Companions
- Comparisons
- Compassion
- Complacency
- Complaining
- Compensation
- Compliments
- Compromise
- Compulsion
- Concealment
- Conceit
- Conciliation
- Conduct
- Confession
- Confidence
- Confirmation
- Conjecture
- Conquest
- Conscience
- Consecration
- Consequences
- Conservatism
- Consideration
- Consistency
- Consolation
- Conspiracy
- Constancy
- Constitution
- Contemplation
- Contempt
- Content—Contentment
- Contention
- Contradiction
- Contrast
- Controversy
- Conversation
- Conversion
- Conviction
- Coquette
- Corner Stone Laying
- Corporations
- Corruption
- Counsel
- Countenance
- Country—Country Life
- Country (Love of)
- Courage
- Court—Courtiers
- Courtesy
- Courtship
- Covetousness
- Cow
- Coward—Cowardice
- Coxcomb
- Craft
- Creation
- Credit—Creditor
- Credulity
- Creed
- Crime
- Crisis
- Critic—Criticism
- Crocus
- Cross
- Crow
- Crown
- Cruelty
- Cuckoo
- Culinary—Cooks
- Cultivation—Culture
- Cunning
- Cupid
- Curiosity
- Curse
- Custom
- Cynic—Cynicism
- Cypress
- Daffodil
- Dainties
- Daisy
- Dancing
- Dandy
- Danger
- Daring
- Darkness
- Daughter
- Dawn
- Day
- Dead
- Death
- Debt
- Decay
- Deceit—Deception
- December
- Decency
- Decision
- Decoration Day
- Dedication
- Deeds
- Defeat
- Defects
- Defence
- Deference
- Defiance
- Deformity
- Degeneracy
- Delay
- Delicacy
- Delight
- Delusion
- Demagogue
- Democracy
- Denial
- Denominationalism
- Dentistry (Toothache)
- Dependence
- Deportment
- Depravity
- Deserts
- Design
- Desire
- Desolation
- Despair
- Despatch
- Despondency
- Despotism
- Destiny
- Determination
- Detraction
- Devil
- Devotion
- Devout
- Dew
- Diary
- Diet
- Difficulties
- Diffidence
- Dignity
- Digression
- Diligence
- Dimples
- Dinner—Dining
- Dirt
- Disappointment
- Disaster
- Discernment
- Discipline
- Discontent
- Discord
- Discoveries
- Discovery Day
- Discretion
- Discrimination
- Discussion
- Disease
- Disenchantment
- Disgrace
- Disguise
- Dishonesty
- Disinterestedness
- Disobedience
- Disparagement
- Disparity
- Display
- Dispute
- Dissatisfaction
- Dissension
- Dissimulation
- Dissolution
- Distance
- Distinction
- Distrust
- Divinity
- Docility
- Doctor
- Doctrine
- Dog
- Dogmatism
- Domesticity
- Dominion Day
- Doubt
- Dove
- Drama
- Dreams
- Dress
- Drink, Drunkenness
- Drowning
- Drudgery
- Dueling
- Dullness
- Duplicity
- Duty
- Dwarf
- Eagle
- Ear
- Early Rising
- Earnestness
- Earth
- Ease
- Easter
- Eating
- Eccentricity
- Echo
- Economy
- Education
- Egotism
- Election Day
- Electricity
- Elegance
- Elephant
- Eloquence
- Emancipation Day
- Emigration
- Eminence
- Emotion
- Empire
- Employment
- Emulation
- Encouragement
- End
- Endurance
- Enemies
- Energy
- England
- Enjoyment
- Ennui
- Enterprise
- Enthusiasm
- Envy
- Epigram
- Epiphany (See Missions)
- Epitaph
- Equality
- Equanimity
- Equity
- Equivocation
- Error
- Esteem
- Estrangement
- Eternity
- Ethics
- Etiquette
- Evasion
- Evening
- Events
- Evidence
- Evil
- Evolution
- Exaggeration
- Examination
- Example
- Excellence
- Excelsior
- Exceptions
- Excess
- Excitement
- Excuse
- Execution
- Exercise
- Exertion
- Exile
- Expectation
- Expediency
- Experience
- Expression
- Extenuation
- Extravagance
- Extremes
- Eyes
- Fable
- Face
- Faction
- Facts
- Fail—Failure
- Fairies
- Faith
- Faith in Christ
- Faith in God
- Falsity
- Falsehood
- Fame
- Familiarity
- Famine
- Fanaticism
- Fancy
- Farewell
- Farming
- Fashion
- Fastidiousness
- Fate
- Father
- Faults
- Favor
- Fear
- Feasting
- Features
- Feeling
- Felicity
- Festivity
- Fickleness
- Fiction
- Fidelity
- Fighting
- Fiend
- Finis
- Finesse
- Fire
- Firmness
- Fish
- Fitness
- Flag
- Flattery
- Flirting
- Flowers
- Foe
- Fool—Folly
- Foot—Feet
- Fop—Foppery
- Forbearance
- Force
- Forefathers Day
- Foresight
- Forest
- Forethought
- Forgetfulness
- Forgiveness
- Formality
- Fortitude
- Fortune
- Frailty
- France
- Frankness
- Fraud
- Freedom
- Free Speech
- Fretting
- Friendless
- Friends
- Friendship
- Frivolity
- Frost
- Frugality
- Fruit
- Fun
- Funeral
- Fuss
- Future—Futurity
- Gaiety
- Gain
- Gallantry
- Gambling
- Games
- Garden
- Generosity
- Genius
- Gentility
- Gentleman
- Gentleness
- Gesture
- Ghosts
- Gibbet
- Gifts
- Gipsies
- Girlhood
- Gladness
- Gloom
- Glory
- Gluttony
- God
- Godliness
- Gods (The)
- Gold
- Goldenrod
- Golf
- Good-Breeding
- Goodbye
- Good Friday
- Good-Humor
- Good Intention
- Good-Nature
- Goodness
- Good Night
- Good-Taste
- Gospel
- Gossip
- Government
- Grace
- Grammar
- Grandeur
- Grant’s Birthday
- Gratitude
- Grave
- Gravity
- Greatness
- Greece
- Greeting
- Grief
- Grotesque
- Growth
- Grumbling
- Guest
- Guilt
- Habit
- Hair
- Hand
- Happiness
- Harlot
- Harmony
- Harvest
- Harvest Home
- Haste
- Hate—Hatred
- Hawthorn
- Head
- Health
- Hearing
- Heart
- Heat
- Heaven
- Heavens (The)
- Heirs
- Hell
- Help
- Heraldry
- Herbage
- Heroes
- Heroism
- Hero-Worship
- Historians
- History
- Hobbies
- Holidays
- Holiness
- Holy Spirit
- Home
- Homeliness
- Homer
- Honesty
- Honor
- Hope
- Horse—Horsemanship
- Hospitality
- Hours
- House
- Housekeeping
- Human Nature
- Humanity
- Humility
- Humor
- Hunger
- Hunting
- Husband
- Hypocrisy
- Ideality
- Ideas
- Idleness
- Idolatry
- Ignorance
- Ill-Nature
- Ills
- Illusion
- Imagination
- Imitation
- Immigration
- Immodesty
- Immortality
- Impatience
- Impenitence
- Imperfection
- Impertinence
- Imposition
- Impossibility
- Imprisonment
- Improvement
- Improvidence
- Impudence
- Impulse
- Incivility
- Inclination
- Inconsistency
- Inconstancy
- Incredulity
- Indecision
- Independence
- Independence Day
- Indexes
- Indian Summer
- Indifference
- Indiscretion
- Individuality
- Indolence
- Indulgence
- Industry
- Inequality
- Inevitable (The)
- Infancy (See Childhood)
- Infatuation
- Infidelity
- Infinite
- Influence
- Ingratitude
- Inheritance
- Injuries
- Injustice
- Ink
- Inn
- Innocence
- Inquisitiveness
- Insanity
- Insincerity
- Inspiration
- Installation Service
- Instinct
- Instruction
- Insult
- Integrity
- Intellect
- Intelligence
- Intemperance
- Intentions
- Intercourse
- Interest
- Intolerance
- Intrigue
- Intuition
- Invention
- Investigation
- Irony
- Irresolution
- Italy
- Ivy
- January
- Jealousy
- Jeering
- Jesting
- Jewels
- Jews
- Joke (See Jesting)
- Journalism
- Joy
- Judaism (See Jews)
- Judge
- Judgment
- Judgment Day
- June
- July
- Jury
- Justice
- Kin
- Kindness
- Kings
- Kisses
- Knavery
- Knowledge
- Labor
- Labor Day
- Lady
- Landscape
- Language
- Lark
- Laughter
- Law
- Lawyers
- Laziness
- Learning
- Leisure
- Lending
- Lenity
- Lent
- Letters
- Levity
- Liberality
- Liberty
- Libraries
- License
- Life
- Light
- Lilies
- Lincoln’s Birthday
- Linguist
- Lion
- Lips
- Listening
- Literature
- Logic
- London
- Loquacity
- Loss
- Love
- Loveliness
- Lowliness
- Loyalty
- Luck
- Lust
- Luxury
- Lying
- Madness
- Magistrate
- Magnanimity
- Magnolia
- Maidenhood
- Majority
- Malice
- Mammon
- Man
- Management
- Manners
- March
- Martyrs
- Master
- Mathematics
- Matrimony
- Maxims
- May
- Meanness
- Meddlers
- Medicine
- Mediocrity
- Meditation
- Meekness
- Meeting
- Melancholy
- Memory
- Mercantile
- Mercy
- Merit
- Mermaid
- Merriment
- Metaphor
- Metaphysics
- Method
- Midnight
- Military
- Millennium
- Mind
- Ministers
- Minority
- Miracles
- Mirth
- Misanthropy
- Mischief
- Miser
- Misery
- Misfortune
- Missions
- Mistake
- Mistrust
- Mob
- Mocking-Bird
- Moderation
- Modesty
- Moments
- Money
- Monomania
- Month
- Monuments
- Moon
- Morality
- Morning
- Moroseness
- Mortality
- Mother
- Motive
- Mountain
- Mourner
- Murder
- Music
- Mutability
- Mystery
- Mythology
- Names
- Nation
- Nationality
- Native Land
- Nature
- Navigation
- Neatness
- Necessity
- Negligence
- Negro
- Neighbor
- Nerves
- Neutrality
- News
- Newspaper
- New Year’s Day
- Niagara
- Nickname
- Night
- Nightingale
- Nobility
- Nonsense
- Noon-time
- Nothing
- Notoriety
- Novels
- Novelty
- November
- Nun
- Oak
- Oath
- Obduracy
- Obedience
- Obesity
- Obligation
- Oblivion
- Obscurity
- Observation
- Obstinacy
- Obtuseness
- Occupation
- Ocean
- October
- Offence
- Office
- Old Age
- Old Year
- Omnipotence
- Opinion
- Opportunity
- Opposition
- Oppression
- Oratory
- Order
- Originality
- Ornament
- Ostentation
- Pagan
- Pain
- Painting
- Panic
- Paradise
- Paradox
- Pardon
- Parents
- Partiality
- Parting
- Party
- Passion
- Past (The)
- Patience
- Patriotism
- Peace
- Pedantry
- Pedigree
- Pen
- Penetration
- Penitence
- People
- Perception
- Perfection
- Perjury
- Persecution
- Perseverance
- Personality
- Persuasion
- Perverseness
- Philanthropy
- Philosophy
- Phrenology
- Physic—Physician
- Physiognomy
- Pictures (See Painting)
- Piety
- Pines
- Pity
- Plagiarism
- Play
- Pleasure
- Poetry
- Poets
- Poison
- Policy
- Politeness
- Political Economy
- Politics
- Popularity
- Position
- Positiveness
- Possession
- Post (Letters)
- Posterity
- Poverty
- Power
- Powerless
- Practice
- Praise
- Prayer
- Preaching
- Precedent
- Precept
- Precocity
- Preferment
- Prejudice
- Present
- Press
- Presumption
- Pretension
- Pride
- Principle
- Printing (See Press)
- Prison
- Procrastination
- Profanity
- Progress
- Promise
- Promptness
- Property
- Prophecy
- Proposal
- Prosperity
- Proverbs
- Proverbs (Famous)
- Providence
- Prudence
- Prudery
- Public
- Punctuality
- Punishment
- Purity
- Purpose
- Purse
- Quacks
- Quality
- Quarrels
- Quietness
- Quill
- Quotations
- Radicalism
- Rage
- Rain
- Rainbow
- Rank
- Rapture
- Rarity
- Rashness
- Raven
- Reading
- Reality
- Reason
- Rebellion
- Reciprocity
- Recklessness
- Reckoning
- Reconciliation
- Recreation
- Redemption
- Refinement
- Reflection
- Reformation
- Regeneration
- Regret
- Religion
- Remembrance
- Remorse
- Renown
- Repartee
- Repentance
- Repose
- Reproach (See Reproof)
- Reproof (See Reproach)
- Republic
- Reputation
- Request
- Resentment
- Reserve
- Resignation
- Resistance
- Resolution
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Rest
- Results
- Resurrection
- Retirement
- Retribution
- Retrospect
- Revelation
- Revenge
- Reverence
- Reverses
- Revery
- Revolution
- Rhetoric
- Riches
- Ridicule
- Right
- Rigor
- Rivalry
- River
- Robbery
- Robin
- Rogue
- Romance
- Rome
- Roses
- Royalty
- Rudeness
- Ruins
- Rumor
- Sabbath
- Sacrament (See Communion)
- Sacrifice
- Sadness
- Sailor (See Ships)
- Saint Patrick’s Day
- Saints
- Salutation
- Salvation
- Sarcasm
- Satan
- Satiety
- Satire
- Savage
- Scaffold
- Scandal
- Scars
- Scepticism
- Scholarship
- School
- Science
- Scolding
- Scorn
- Scotland
- Scriptural Quotations: Old Testament
- Scriptural Quotations: New Testament
- Scripture
- Scrupulousness
- Sculpture
- Sea
- Season
- Secrecy
- Sects
- Security
- Self (See Self-love, Selfishness, etc.)
- Self-conceit
- Self-confidence
- Self-control
- Self-deceit
- Self-defence
- Self-denial
- Self-esteem
- Self-examination
- Self-help
- Self-interest
- Selfishness
- Self-knowledge
- Self-love
- Self-praise
- Self-preservation
- Self-reliance
- Self-respect
- Self-righteousness
- Self-sacrifice
- Self-sufficiency
- Self-will
- Sense
- Sensibility
- Sensuality
- Sentiment
- Sentimentalism
- Sentiments (Miscellaneous)
- Separation
- Sermon (See Preaching)
- Servants
- Service
- Servility
- Servitude
- Shadows
- Shakespeare
- Shame
- Shamrock
- Ships
- Shipwreck
- Sickness
- Sighs
- Sight
- Signs
- Silence
- Simile
- Simplicity
- Sin
- Sincerity
- Singers
- Singularity
- Skull
- Sky
- Slander
- Slavery
- Sleep
- Sloth
- Smiles
- Smoking
- Snob
- Snow
- Sociability
- Society
- Soldier
- Solitude
- Song
- Sophistry
- Sorrow
- Soul
- Sound
- Spain
- Sparrow
- Specialty
- Speculation
- Speech
- Spider
- Spire
- Spirits
- Spirituality
- Spite
- Spleen
- Sport
- Spring
- Stage (See Acting)
- Stars
- States
- Statesmen
- Station
- Steadfastness
- Stewardship
- Storm
- Story Telling
- Stranger
- Strategy
- Strength
- Strife
- Strikes (See Labor Day)
- Stubbornness
- Students
- Study
- Stupidity
- Style
- Sublimity
- Subordination
- Subtlety
- Success
- Suffering
- Suggestion
- Suicide
- Summer
- Sun
- Sunday School (See Children’s Day)
- Sunflower
- Sunrise (See Dawn)
- Sunset
- Superfluities
- Superiority
- Superstition
- Suspense
- Suspicion
- Surety
- Swallow
- Swan
- Swearing (See Oath)
- Sweetness
- Swimming
- Symbols (See Signs)
- Sympathy
- System
- Table Talk
- Tact
- Tailor
- Tale
- Talent
- Talking
- Taste
- Tattling
- Tavern
- Taxes
- Tea
- Teaching
- Tears
- Tediousness
- Teeth
- Temper
- Temperament
- Temperance
- Temperance (Prohibition and Abstinence)
- Tempests
- Temptation
- Tenderness
- Terror
- Testimony
- Thames
- Thankfulness
- Thanksgiving Day
- Theft
- Theology
- Theory
- Thinkers
- Thirst
- Thoroughness
- Thought
- Thoughtlessness
- Threats
- Thunder
- Tide
- Time
- Timidity
- Titles
- Tittle-Tattle
- Toasts
- Toasts (To Sweetheart)
- Toasts (To Wives)
- Toasts (To Woman)
- Toasts (To Man)
- Toasts (Patriotic)
- Toasts (Miscellaneous)
- Tobacco
- Today
- Toil
- Toleration
- Tomb
- Tomorrow
- Tongue
- Tonsorial
- Trade
- Tradition
- Tragedy
- Traitor
- Tranquillity
- Travel
- Treachery
- Treason
- Trees
- Trials
- Trifles
- Trinity Sunday
- Troubles
- Trust
- Truth
- Tulip
- Turkey
- Twilight
- Tyranny
- Ugliness
- Unanimity
- Unbelief
- Uncertainty
- Uncouthness
- Understanding
- Undertaker—Sexton
- Uneasiness
- Unfaithfulness
- Unfortunate
- Ungratefulness
- Unhappiness
- Union—Unity
- Universe
- Unkindness
- Unselfishness
- Usefulness
- Usury
- Utility
- Vacillation
- Vacuity
- Vagrant
- Valentine’s Day
- Valor
- Vanity
- Variety
- Vegetation
- Vehemence
- Vengeance
- Venice
- Ventilation
- Venus
- Verbosity
- Versatility
- Verse
- Vexation
- Vice
- Vicissitudes
- Victory
- Vigilance
- Villagers
- Villainy
- Vindictiveness
- Violets
- Virgin
- Virtue
- Visions
- Visitors
- Vituperation
- Vivacity
- Vocation
- Voice
- Voluptuousness
- Votes
- Vowels
- Vows
- Vulgarity
- Walking
- Want
- War
- Washington’s Birthday
- Waste
- Watchfulness
- Water
- Weakness
- Wealth
- Weariness
- Weather
- Wedlock (See Matrimony)
- Weeds
- Weeping
- Welcome
- Well-doing
- Whip-poor-will
- Wickedness
- Widow
- Wife
- Willfulness
- Will
- Willow
- Wills
- Wind
- Wine
- Winter
- Wisdom
- Wishes
- Wit
- Witches
- Woe
- Woman
- Wonder
- Woods
- Wooing (See Courtship)
- Words
- Work
- World
- Worldliness
- Worry
- Worship
- Worth
- Wounds
- Wrinkles
- Writing
- Wrong
- Yearning
- Years
- Yes
- Yesterday
- Yew tree
- Youth
- Zeal
- Zephyrs