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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 45 John Bartlett

Change the place but keep the pain, 303.
the stamp of nature, 141.
the universe is, 937.
with me, perhaps king would, 719.
you shall not, 842.
Changed all that, we have, 983.
and such a change, 544.
in the cradle, 976.
mind not to be, 224.
the dandelions are, 792.
Changeful dream, fickle as a, 491.
Changeless through joy and woe, 611.
Changing years, through many, 637.
Chanticleer, crow like, 68.
Chanting of the old religious trees, 851.
Chants a doleful hymn, 80.
Chaos and old night, 224.
black, comes again, 161.
eldest night and, 229.
is come again, 153.
is restored, empire of, 332.
of thought and passion, 317.
sink again into, 685.
Chaos-like together crushed, 333.
Chapel, Devil builds a, 196, 206, 286, 962.
Chapels had been churches, 60.
Chap-fallen, quite, 144.
Chapman, till I heard, 576.
Chapter of accidents, 353.
to the end of the, 959.
Character dead at every word, 442.
I leave behind me, my, 442.
limitations of his own, 812.
man that makes a, 311.
most women have no, 321.
of a Cynic, 932.
of Hamlet left out, 494.
pollertics of an accommodatin’, 787.
simplicity of, 812.
wholesome for the, 739.
Characters from high life, 320.
high, cries one, 257.
in dust, write the, 494.
of hell to trace, 383.
Characteristic of the present age, 625.
Charge Chester charge, 490.
compulsive ardour gives the, 140.
if it be in his, 2.
in peace, a, 273.
is prepared, the, 348.
to keep I have, 860.
with all thy chivalry, 515.
Charges, die to save, 188.
Charged with punishments the scroll, 829.
Chariest maid is prodigal enough, 129.
Chariot, the flying, 424.
Chariots, brazen, raged, 236.
Charitable intents, wicked or, 130.
speeches, leave it to men’s, 170.
Charities that soothe, 481.
Charity all mankind’s concern is, 318.
Christian pearl of, 651.
covers multitude of sins, 1041.
envieth not, 1037.
faith hope, 1037.
Charity for all, malice toward none, 662.
give him a little earth for, 100.
gracious, 797.
greatest of these is, 1037.
hand open as day for melting, 90.
it blossomed, 684.
nothing if I have not, 1037.
pity gave ere, began, 396.
rarity of Christian, 595.
suffereth long, 1037.
the living need, 786.
to all mankind, 458.
vaunteth not itself, 1037.
Charlatan, defamed by every, 676.
Charles First had his Cromwell, 429.
gentle-hearted, 501.
Charlotte having seen his body, 697.
Werther had a love for, 697.
Charm ache with air, 53.
blest with that, 455.
can soothe her melancholy, what, 403.
deepening still the dreamlike, 725.
from the skies, 568.
in melancholy, such a, 456.
mutter and mock a broken, 500.
no, can tame, 858.
no more, till life can, 390.
no need of a remoter, 467.
nor witch hath power to, 127.
of all the muses, all the, 682.
of earliest birds, 233.
of poetry and love, 486.
one native, 398.
peculiar and indescribable, 814.
that lulls to sleep, 402.
the air, I’ll, 123.
the interval, how shall I, 686.
to stay the morning star, 501.
to the far away, owes its, 631.
us orator till the lion, 682.
Charms divine, a heaven of, 343.
freedom has a thousand, 414.
her modesty concealed, 356.
music hath, 294.
or ear or sight, 502.
solitude where are the, 416.
strike the sight, 326.
Charmed life, I bear a, 126.
with distant views of happiness, 181.
with the foolish whistling of a name, 262.
Charmer, hope the, 513.
sinner it or saint it, 321.
were t’ other dear, away, 348.
Charmers, hearken to the voice of, 1013.
wooing the caress like other, 555.
Charming, ever, ever new, 358.
harp of Orpheus not more, 253.
he saw her, 356.
is divine philosophy, 245.
left his voice so, 237.
never so wisely, 1013.
Charoba, that wondrous soul, 512.
Chart of true patriotism, 687.
Charter large as the wind, 68.