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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 372 John Bartlett

Watching thee from hour to hour, 676.
with eternal lids apart, 578.
Watchman what of the night, 1025.
Water and a crust, 574.
at Lodore, 506.
blood thicker than, 493.
brooks, hart panteth after, 1012.
brooks, the hart panteth for the, 814.
but limns on, 170.
but the desert, 546.
conscious, saw its God, 258.
continually dropping, 914.
cup of, a little thing, 577.
deeds writ in, 197.
deepest in smoothest stream, 33.
drink no longer, 1040.
drops, women’s weapons, 146.
earth hath bubbles as the, 116.
glass of brandy and, 457.
horse to the, 14.
imperceptible, 593.
in the rough rude sea, 81.
in water, indistinct as, 158.
made his mouth to, 212.
milk and, 554.
miller sees not all the, 192.
more, glideth by the mill, 104.
much, goeth by the mill, 18.
name was writ in, 578.
nectar and rocks pure gold, 44.
ne’er left man in the mire, 109.
rats and land rats, 61.
sipped brandy and, 454.
smooth runs the, 93.
spilt on the ground, 1007.
the, is calm and still below, 580.
thieves and land thieves, 61.
this business will never hold, 296.
travel by land or, 293.
unstable as, 1005.
virtues we write in, 100.
water everywhere, 498.
went by, instead of land, 911.
whole stay of, 1025.
Waters, beside the still, 1011.
blood-dyed, 513.
blue, fades o’er the, 540.
cannot quench love, 1024.
cast thy bread upon the, 1023.
cold, to a thirsty soul, 1020.
do business in great, 1015.
dreadful noise of, in mine ears, 96.
fish in troubled, 283.
hell of, 545.
meet, where the bright, 520.
noise of many, 1014.
o’er the glad, 550.
of Life we sat together, by the, 599.
of the Nile, 611.
once more upon the, 542.
rave, where the scattered, 714.
returning back to their springs, 643.
rising world of, 230.
she walks the, 550.
stilled at even, 769.
stolen, are sweet, 1017.
the glass the clouds, 847.
the moving, at their priestlike, 578.
Waters undreamed shores, unpathed, 78.
where the bright, meet, 520.
wide as the, be, 484.
winds and, 770.
words writ in, 37.
Watering last year’s crops, little good, 730.
Waterloo, a fatal, 826.
every man his, 699.
John Bull was beat at, 609.
Watermen look astern while they row, 925.
row one way and look another,
Water-plants, the slime on, 186″
Water-plants, the slime on, 337.
Watt mechanizes it, wisdom, 620.
Wattle, did you ever hear of Capt., 436.
Wave, all sunk beneath the, 423.
ambition is like the sea, 685.
and flutter round my door, 613.
break of the, 561.
cool translucent, 246.
fountain’s murmuring, 428.
life on the ocean, 714.
long may it, 517.
Munich all thy banners, 515.
o’ the sea, I wish you a, 78.
of life kept heaving, 591.
of the ocean, 867.
on this side Jordan’s 726.
so dies a, along the shore, 434.
spangling the, 492.
succeeds a wave, 202.
their hands for a mute farewell, 749.
while the sea rolls its, 863.
winning, deserving note, with dimpled face, 867.
Waves, amidst a sea of, 345.
are brightly glowing, 636.
bound beneath me, 542.
Britannia rules the, 358.
can roll, wherever, 413.
chime ever peacefully, silver, 700.
come as the, come, 493.
dashed high, the breaking, 569.
freely as the, that beat, 580.
lapsing, on quiet shores, 651.
nothing save the, and I, 558.
o’er the mountain, 514.
proud, be stayed, 1009.
red, of wretchedness, 591.
sea rolls its, 863.
that plunged along the shore, 758.
vainly breaking, while the tired, 727.
went high, when the, 267.
were rough, when the, 526.
what are the wild, saying, 715.
whist, the wild, 42.
winds and, are absent, 580.
Wave-beat shore, and ocean’s, 717.
Waved her lily hand, 348.
Wavelet on the ocean tost, each, 718.
Wavering, more, longing, 75.
Wavers to a rose, 815.
Waving here, she who spies thee, 755.