James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
April 24The “Varuna”
By George H. Boker (1823–1890)W
Who has not heard of the deeds she has done?
Who shall not hear, while the Brown Mississippi
Rushes along from the snow to the sun?
Sinking and burning she fought through the fray;
Crushed were her sides and the waves ran across her,
Ere, like a death wounded lion at bay,
Sternly she closed in the last fatal grapple,
Then in her triumph moved grandly away.
Burned in her orbit of splendor and fear;
One, like the pleiad of mystical story,
Shot, terror-stricken, beyond her dread sphere.
Though we should offer the wealth of our store,
Load the VARUNA from deck down to kelson,
Still would be niggard, such tribute to pour
On courage so boundless. It beggars possession,—
It knocks for just payment at heaven’s bright door!
Treat them as kings if they honor your way;
Succor and comfort the sick and the wounded;
Oh! for the dead let us all kneel to pray!