James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
January 8The Battle of New Orleans
By Wallace Rice (1859–1939)T
And a hum of rumbling drums;
Red upon the green plain flowing,
See, the British army comes!
There are regiments in scarlet,
Renegade and negro varlet,
Rolling on;
There are regiments half savage
That had aided Ross to ravage
In the January sun,
Bright their bayonets are gleaming
Over every deadly gun;
Bold marine and bolder seaman
Who had fought like any demon
On the main;
Thousands more black with the pillage
Gleaned in many a hopeless village
Back in Spain.
Fiendish old Peninsulars,
Stained with blood of slaughtered Frenchmen
Through the long and bitter wars;
Rank and file as ripe with evil,
Rape, and rapine as the devil
And his dam;
At their head that hero-Briton
On whose brow success was written,
On the Mississippi sound,
Near ten thousand warriors weaving
Through that tufted, swampy ground,
There are breastworks just before them—
One bold charge and they’ll be o’er them,
High or low;
Then an hour of British shooting
And a week of British looting,
Death, and woe.
See there’s powder in the pan,
They have never turned their backs on
Savage beast or savage man;
Craven Spain at Pensacola
And the Creeks of Tallapoosa
Know their glance,
Know the coonskin cap and rifle
And the bullet clouds that stifle
All advance.
Since his coming in the night
Is to see his bravest smitten
By the lightnings of our might:
When our gunboats meet their barges;
On the night our army charges
Into flame;
When their cannon are dismounted—
Thrice they’ve learned we can be counted
On for aim.
To take up the battle brunt,
With their courage tried and ready,
Gallant officers in front;
Near the river Rennie’s soldiers
With their muskets on their shoulders
Hold their path;
’Gainst our right he leads his raiders—
Welcome now the bold invaders
With our wrath!
Rank on rank they rush a-swarm:
Down their files our cannon crashing
Hurl an extirpating storm;
Thunder-stricken and astounded
They are hurled back crushed and wounded
By our lead,
Patterson in wide swaths mows them,
Humphrey’s grape in huge gusts blows them—
Rennie’s dead.
Gibbs’s men charge with a will;
Steadily our shrapnel’s showered—
They are coming closer still;
There Lafitte’s bold men are aiming,
All our batteries are flaming,
For their fall;
But our hail of grape despising,
On they come, their broad front rising
At the call.
Gazes on the lines in red
As they come in columns thronging;
But the word has not been said:
At two hundred yards, or nearer,
Sounds the signal for each hearer,
Hurled to hell in quick disorder,
Britons leave a crimson border
As they flee.
He is wounded in the arm,
Gibbs shall never from that sally
Speed again to war’s alarm,
Quick to aid Keane’s men are coming—
Hear our rifles, ceaseless humming!—
Keane is slain;
Spreads the panic’s fitful pallor—
Pakenham in all his valor
Low is lain.
Not a hum of rumbling drum.
Bitter is their overthrowing,
Thousands lie forever dumb.
With raw levies to defend us
We have won the odds tremendous,
One to three.
Woe to him who dares to trifle
With the ’coonskin cap and rifle,
These our General’s victories,
Bowyer’s Fort, and Tohopeka—
Now New Orleans is his.
Silence! then a noise of cheering—
Louder—louder—he is nearing—
Jackson comes!
Hear the song of triumph growing,
Hear the blare of bugles blowing,
Hear the drums!