James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
January 8Jackson at New Orleans
By Wallace Rice (1859–1939)H
Rumbling of cannon, tramp of mighty armies;
Then the mist sunders, all the plain disclosing
Scarlet for England.
Search out our earthworks, silent and portentous.
Fierce on our right with crimson banners tossing
Their lines spring forward.
Gunners from warships, Lafitte’s privateersmen,
Roar out our thunders till the grape and shrapnel
Shriek through their columns.
But on our left a deadlier bolt is speeding:
Wellesley’s Peninsulars, never yet defeated,
Charge in their valor.
Dauntless they come with vict’ry on their standards;
Then slowly rise the rifles of our marksmen,
Tennessee hunters.
Lay them in windrows, war’s infernal harvest.
High through the onslaught Tennessee is shouting,
Joying in battle.
Close from the centre, hopeless in their courage;
Backward they stagger, dying and disabled,
Gloriously routed.
War clouds sweep back in January breezes,
Showing the dreadful proof of the great triumph
God hath vouchsafed us.
Met by raw levies, scores against its hundreds,
Lies at our feet, a thing for woman’s weeping,
Red’ning the meadows.
Lift then your voices for the little army
Led by our battle-loving Andrew Jackson,
Blest of Jehovah.