Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
DeliaSonnet LII. Like as the lute, that joys or else dislikes
Samuel Daniel (1562–1619)L
As is his art that plays upon the same:
So sounds my Muse, according as she strikes
On my heart strings, high tuned unto her fame.
Her touch doth cause the warble of the sound,
Which here I yield in lamentable wise,
A wailing “descant” on the sweetest “ground,”
Whose due reports give honour to her eyes.
Else harsh my style, untunable my Muse;
Hoarse sounds the voice, that praiseth not her name!
If any pleasing relish here I use;
Then judge, the world! her beauty gives the same.
O happy “ground” that makes the music such!
And blessèd hand that gives so sweet a touch!