Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
DeliaSonnet LI. As to the Roman, that would free his land
Samuel Daniel (1562–1619)[First printed in this edition. ]
His error was his honour and renown;
And more the fame of his mistaking hand,
Than if he had the tyrant overthrown.
So, D
And my deceived attempt, deserved more fame:
Than if I had the victory mine own,
And thy hard heart had yielded up the same.
And so, likewise, renowned is thy blame!
Thy cruelty! thy glory! O strange case!
That errors should be graced, that merit shame;
And sin of frowns bring honour to the face.
Yet, happy D
But happier yet, if thou would’st change thy mind!