Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Nerve cells, 721. of cerebellar cortex, 794. of cerebral cortex, 845. of medulla spinalis, 755, 757. endings, free, 1059. fasciculi of medulla spinalis, 759. fibers of cerebral cortex, 846. medullated, 724. non-medullated, 728. roots, 916, 948. Nerve or Nerves, abducent, 899. accessory, 913. acoustic, 905, 1058. alveolar, 890, 891. inferior, 895. anococcygeal, 968. anterior crural, 953. interosseous, 938. superior alveolar, 891. thoracic, 933. tibial, 965. antibrachial cutaneous, 936, 937. Arnold’s, 911. auditory, 905. auricular of auriculotemporal, 895. great, 926. posterior, 905. of vagus, 911. auriculotemporal, 895. axillary, 934. brachial cutaneous, lateral, 934. medial, 937. posterior, 943. bronchial, 913. buccal, of facial, 905. long, 895. buccinator, 895. calcaneal, medial, 963. cardiac, cervical, 912. great, 979. of sympathetic, 979. thoracic, 912. of vagus, 912. caroticotympanic, 978, 1047. carotid of glossopharyngeal, 909. cavernous, of penis, 989. celiac, of vagus, 913. cerebral, 881. See Cranial.; cerebrospinal, structure of, 728. cervical, 928. cutaneous, 927. divisions of, 921, 925. of facial, 905. transverse, 927. chorda tympani, 904, 1047. ciliary, 888, 889. circumflex, 934. of clitoris, 968. coccygeal, division of, 925, 957. cochlear, 906, 1059. cranial, 881. abducent, 899. accessory, 913. acoustic, 905. central tract of, 804. composition and central connections of, 855. facial, 901. glossopharyngeal, 906. hypoglossal, 914. oculomotor, 884. olfactory, 881. optic, 882. thalamic tract of, 805. trigeminal, 886. trochlear, 885. vagus, 910. crural, anterior, 955. cutaneous cervical, 927. external, 953. internal, 937, 955. lesser, 937. middle, 955. deep branch of radial, 944 87. Nerve or Nerves, deep branch of ulnar, 943. peroneal, 965. petrosal, 892. temporal, 894. descending ramus of hypoglossal, 918. development of, 735, 747. digastric, from facial, 905. digital, of lateral plantar, 963. of medial plantar, 963. of median, 938. of radial, 944. of superficial peroneal, 966. of ulnar, 943. dorsal antibrachial cutaneous, 944. branch of ulnar, 942. cutaneous, 963, 966. digital, 965. of penis, 968. scapular, 932. of dura mater, 875. dural, 911. eighth, 905. eleventh, 913. end-organs of, 1059. endoneurium of, 728. epineurium of, 728. esophageal, 913. external nasal, 891. plantar, 963. popliteal, 964. saphenous, 963. spermatic, 953. facial, 901. femoral, 955. cutaneous, anterior, 955. lateral, 953. posterior, 959. fifth, 886. first, 881. fourth, 885. frontal, 887. ganglia of, 730. gastric branches of vagus, 913. genitocrural, 953. genitofemoral, 953. glossopharyngeal, 906. gluteal, 959, 960. great auricular, 926. greater occipital, 923. splanchnic, 981. superficial petrosal, 892. hemorrhoidal, inferior, 968. hepatic branches of vagus, 913. hypoglossal, 914. iliohypogastric, 950. ilioinguinal, 952. incisive, 897. inferior dental, 897. infraorbital, 889 note; infrapatellar, 956. infratrochlear, 888. intercostal, 945. intercostobrachial, 946. intermedius of Wrisberg, 901. internal calcaneal, 963. cutaneous of arm, 937. carotid, 977. plantar, 963. popliteal, 960. saphenous, 956. interosseous, dorsal, 944. volar, 938. Jacobson’s, 909, 1047. jugular, 978. labial posterior, 968. superior, 891. lacrimal, 887. of Lancisi, 868. laryngeal, 912. laryngopharyngeal of sympathetic, 978. lateral antibrachial cutaneous, 935, 936. brachial cutaneous, 934. femoral cutaneous, 953. plantar, 963. sural cutaneous, 964. lesser splanchnic, 891. lingual, 895. of glossopharyngeal, 909. long ciliary, 888. saphenous, 956. subscapular, 934. thoracic, 933. lowest splanchnic, 981. lumbar, divisions of, 924, 948. lumboinguinal, 953. lumbosacral trunk, 948. mandibular, 893. of facial, 905. masseteric, 894. maxillary, 889. inferior, 893. medial antibrachial cutaneous, 937. brachial cutaneous, 937. sural cutaneous, 962. plantar, 963. median, 938. meningeal, of hypoglossal, 918. of maxillary, 889. middle, 889. of spinal, 916. of vagus, 911. mental, 897. motor, 730. musculocutaneous, of arm, 935. of leg, 966. musculospiral, 943. mylohyoid, 896. nasal, of ophthalmic, 888. from sphenopalatine ganglion, 893. nasociliary, 888. nasopalatine, 893. ninth, 906. obturator, 953. accessory, 955. occipital, greater, 923. smaller, 926. third, 923. oculomotor, 884. olfactory, 881. ophthalmic, 887. optic, 882. orbital, 893. origins of, 729. palatine, 893. palmar cutaneous, of median, 938. of ulnar, 942. palpebral, inferior, 891. perforating cutaneous, 967. perineal, 968. perineurium of, 728. plexus of, 728. annular, 1009. aortic abdominal, 987. Auerbach’s, 1177. brachial, 930. cardiac, 984. carotid, 977. cavernous, 978. celiac, 985. cervical, 925. posterior, 921, 922, 923. choroid, of fourth ventricle, 798. of lateral ventricle, 840. of third ventricle, 815. coccygeal, 968. of cornea, 1009. coronary, 985, 987. esophageal, 910, 913. of Exner, 846. plexus of, gastric, 913, 987. hemorrhoidal, 987. hepatic, 986. hypogastric, 987. infraorbital, 891. lienal, 986. lumbar, 948. lumbosacral, 948. Meissner’s, 1177. mesenteric, 987. myenteric, 1177. ovarian, 987. parotid, 902. patellar, 953, 956. pelvic, 987. pharyngeal, 909, 912, 979. phrenic, 985. prostatic, 988. pudendal, 966. pulmonary, 910, 913. renal, 987. sacral, 957. solar, 985. spermatic, 987. splenic, 986. of submucosa, 1177. subsartorial, 956. suprarenal, 987. tonsillar, 909. tympanic, 1047. uterine, 989. vaginal, 989. vesical, 988. peroneal, 964, 965, 968. petrosal, deep, 892, 977. external, 978. greater superficial, 892. smaller superficial, 1047. large, deep, 892. superficial, 892, 903. pharyngeal, of glossopharyngeal, 909. of sphenopalatine ganglion, 893. of vagus, 911. phrenic, 928. plantar, 963. pneumogastric, 910. popliteal, 960, 694. of pterygoid canal, 892, 977. to pterygoideus externus, 895. internus, 894. pterygopalatine, 893. pudendal, 967. inferior, 960. pudic, internal, 967. pulmonary, 913. radial, 943. rami communicantes, gray and white, 902, 976. recurrent, 912. reflexes, trigeminal, 899. respiratory, of Bell, 928, 933. to rhomboids, 932. roots, 764, 918. sacral, 957. saphenous, 956, 963. sciatic, 960. scrotal, posterior, 968. second, 882. seventh, 901. short ciliary, 889. sixth, 899. smaller occipital, 926. spermatic, external, 953. sphenopalatine branches of maxillary, 890. spinal, 916. accessory, 913. composition and central connections of, 849. development of, 735. divisions of, 921, 925. roots of, 764, 916. splanchnic, 981. to stapedius, 904. stylohyoid, 905. to subclavius, 933. subscapular, 933, 934. superior labial, 891. superficial branch of radial, 944. of ulnar, 942. supra-acromial, 928. supraclavicular, 928. supraorbital, 888. suprascapular, 932. suprasternal, 928. supratrochlear, 888. sural, 963. lateral cutaneous, 964. sympathetic, 968. cranial, 970. sacral, 973. structure of, 729. thoracolumbar, 974. of taste, 992. temporal, deep, 895. of facial, 905. temporomalar, 889. tenth, 910. terminations of, 729. third, 884. thoracic, divisions of, 923, 933. thoracodorsal, 934. thyrohyoid, 918. tibial, 960. anterior, 965. of tongue, 1132. tonsillar, 909. transverse cervical, 927. trifacial, 886. trigeminal, 886. central tract of, 805. trochlear, 885. twelfth, 914. tympanic, of glossopharyngeal, 909, 1047. ulnar, 939. collateral, 943. of urethral bulb, 968. vagus, 910. vestibular, 906, 1058. Vidian, 892. volar digital, 938. interosseous, 938. of Wrisberg, 937. zygomatic, 889. of facial, 905. zygomaticofacial, 890. zygomaticotemporal, 890.