Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Muscular fibers of heart, 535. process of arytenoid cartilage, 1075. triangle, 394, 563. Muscularis mucosæ, 1173. Musculi oculi, 1021. ossiculorum auditus, 1046. papillares [of left ventricle], 534. [of right ventricle], 532. pectinati [of left auricle], 534. [of right auricle], 529. pubovesicales, 1232. Musculocutaneous nerve of arm, 935. of leg, 966. Musculophrenic artery, 583. Musculospiral groove, 211. nerve, 943. Myelencephalon, 738. Myelocytes, 88. Myeloplaxes, 88. Mylohyoid artery, 561. groove, 173. line, 173. muscle, 393. nerve, 896. Mylohyoideus muscle, 393. action of, 393. nerves of, 393. variations of, 393. Myocardium, 535. Myocel, 52. Myology, 361. N Nails, 1066. Nares, 992, 994. Nasal aperture, anterior, 196. artery, 571. lateral, 556. bones, 156. articulations of, 157. ossification of, 157. cartilages, 992, 993. cavities, 194, 994. arteries of, 996. lymphatic capillaries in, 686. vessels of, 695. mucous membrane of, 996. nerves of, 996, 997. veins of, 997. vestibule of, 994. concha, inferior, 169. middle, 156. superior, 156. crest, 163, 167. duct, 1029. fossa, 994. index, 198. laminæ, 68. mucous membrane, 996. nerve from ophthalmic, 888. nerves from nasopalatine ganglion, 893. notch of frontal bone, 136. of maxilla, 158. part of frontal bone, 136. of pharynx, 1141. process of frontal bone, 136. of maxilla, 161. processes of fetus, 67. septum, 194, 995. spine, anterior, 158, 163. of frontal bone, 136. posterior, 167, 180. Nasalis muscle, 382. action of, 382. nerves of, 382. Nasion, 136, 186, 198. Nasmyth’s membrane, 1123. Nasociliary nerve, 888. Nasofrontal vein, 659. Nasolabialis muscle, 385. Nasolacrimal duct, 1029. Nasoöptic furrow, 69, 1005. Nasopalatine nerve, 893. recess, 996. Nasopharynx, 1141. Nasus externus, 992. Navicular bone of carpus, 221. of tarsus, 270. fossa, 1266. Neck, lymphatic glands of, 697. vessels of, 698. muscles of, 387. development of, 371. triangles of, 562. veins of, 646. Nélaton’s line, 1342. Neopallium, 744.