Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Fissure or Fissures, anterior median of medulla spinalis, 752. callosomarginal, 820. of cerebellum, 788, 789. development of, 741. floccular, 741. horizontal, 789. postcentral, 789. postnodular, 741, 790. postpyramidal, 790. precentral, 789. preclival, 789. prepyramidal, 790. of cerebrum, 819. calcarine, 820. callosal, 825, 828. central, 819. collateral, 820. development of, 747. external rhinal, 744. fimbriodentate, 827, 840. hippocampal, 746, 826. interlobular, 819. lateral, 746, 819. longitudinal, 818. parietoöccipital, 820. of Rolando, 819. of Sylvius, 819. transverse, 842. choroidal, 841, 1002. circuminsular, 821. dentate, 826. Glaserian, 140, 1038. of liver, 1191. longitudinal, 818. of lungs, 1096. of medulla oblongata, 767. orbital, inferior, 184, 189. superior, 151, 189, 192. petroöccipital, 181, 193. petrosphenoidal, 181. petrotympanic, 140, 180, 1038. pterygoid, 151. pterygomaxillary, 185. of Rolando, 819. sphenomaxillary, 184. of Sylvius, 747, 819. tympanomastoid, 181. vestibular, 1051. Fixation of kidney, 1220. of muscles, 362. Flat bones, 79. Flechsig, cerebellar tract of, 761. oval area of, 764. Flexor accessorius longus digitorum muscle, 485. muscle, 493. brevis minimi digiti muscle, 464, 494. carpi radialis muscle, 446. actions of, 450. nerves of, 450. variations of, 446. ulnaris muscle, 447. actions of, 450. nerves of, 450. variations of, 448. digiti quinti brevis muscle of foot, 494. actions of, 496. nerves of, 495. of hand, 464. actions of, 464. nerves of, 464. digitorum brevis muscle, 491. actions of, 496. nerves of, 495. variations of, 492. Flexor digitorium longus muscle, 485. actions of, 486. nerves of, 486. variations of, 485. profundus muscle, 448. actions of, 450. nerves of, 450. variations of, 449. sublimis muscle, 448. actions of, 450. nerves of, 450. variations of, 448. hallucis brevis muscle, 493. actions of, 496. nerves of, 495. variations of, 493. longus muscle, 485. actions of, 486. nerves of, 486. variations of, 485. pollicis brevis muscle, 461. actions of, 462. nerves of, 462. variations of, 462. longus muscle, 449. actions of, 450. nerves of, 450. variations of, 449. Flexure, cervical, 737. colic, left, 1181. right, 1180. hepatic, 1180. pontine, 737. splenic, 1181. ventral cephalic, 737. Floating ribs, 123. Floccular fissure, 741. Flocculus, 791. Floor of fourth ventricle, 798. Floor-plate of medulla spinalis, 733. Fluid, cerebrospinal, 877. Fluids, circulating, 503. Fold or Folds, amniotic, 56. aryepiglottic, 1079. caudal, 53. cephalic, 53. duodenojejunal, 1159. gastropancreatic, 1156. glossoepiglottic, 1075. ileocecal, 1160. malleolar, 1039. rectouterine, 1260. sacrogenital, 1154, 1260. salpingopalatine, 1142. salpingopharyngeal, 1142. transverse, of rectum, 1183. of Treves, 1160. umbilical, 1231. ventricular, of larynx, 1079. vestigial, of Marshall, 522, 526. vocal, of larynx, 1080. Folium cacuminis, 790. vermis, 790. Follicle of hair, 1067. Follicles, agminated, 1176. Graafian, or vesicular ovarian, 1256. Fontana, spaces of, 1009. Fontanelles, 196. Foot, arches of, 360. fascia of, 490. muscles of, 490. ossification of bones of, 275. phalanges of, articulations of, 359. skeleton of, 262. surface anatomy of, 1337. Foramen, caroticoclinoid, 151, 191. cecum of frontal bone, 137. of medulla oblongata, 767. of tongue, 1103, 1125. condyloid, anterior, 131. epiploicum, 1106, 1156. Foramen of Huschke, 145, 147. incisive, 162, 180. infraorbital, 158, 187. interventricular, 816, 840. intervertebral, 96. jugular, 181, 193. lacerum, 181, 192. magnum, 129, 132, 192. Majendii, 798. mandibular, 173. mastoid, 141, 183. mental, 172, 188. of Monro, 816, 840. obturator, 237. optic, 147, 151, 190. ovale of heart, 512, 539. of sphenoid, 150, 180, 192. palatine, 180. parietal, 178. rotundum, 150, 192. sciatic, 309. singulare, 143. sphenopalatine, 168. spinosum, 150, 180, 192. sternal, 121. stylomastoid, 144, 181. supraorbital, 136, 186, 189. supratrochlear, 212. thyroid, 237. transversarium, 98. vena-caval, 406. vertebral, 96. Vesalii, 150, 192. of Winslow, 603, 1156. zygomaticofacial, 164, 187. zygomaticoörbital, 165. zygomaticotemporal, 164, 183. Foramina, ethmoidal, 189. intervertebral, 96. of Luschka, 798, 877. for olfactory nerves, 153. in roof of fourth ventricle, 799. sacral, 106, 108. of Scarpa, 162, 180. of Stensen, 162, 180. Thebesii, 530. venarum minimarum, 530. Forceps, anterior, 829. posterior, 829. Forearm, fascia of, 445. muscles of, 445. Fore-brain, 51, 741, 807. Foregut, 53, 1101. Foreskin, 1250. Form of embryo at different stages, 74. Formatio recticularis alba, 784. grisea, 784. of medulla spinalis, 754. Fornicolumns, 838. Fornix of brain, 838. body of, 838. columns of, 838. crura of, 840. development of, 747. pillars of, 838, 840. of conjunctiva, 1027.