Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Fascia or Fasciæ, 376. of abdomen, 408. triangular, 412. anal, 421. of ankle, 488. antibrachial, 445. antibrachii, 445. of arm, 442. axillary, 436. bicipital, 444. brachial, 442. brachii, 442. buccopharyngeal, 390. bulb, 1204. of Camper, 408. cervical, 387, 388. clavipectoral, 437. of Colles, 235, 409, 426. colli, 388. coracoclavicular, 437. coracoclavicularis, 437. cremasteric, 414. cribrosa, 468. cruris, 480. deep, 378. of deltoideus, 439. dentata hippocampi, 827. diaphragmatic part of pelvic, 421. dorsal, of foot, 490. endopelvic, 422. of forearm, 445. general description of, 376. of hand, 456. iliaca, 466. iliopectineal, 466. infraspinata, 441. infraspinatous, 441. infundibuliform, 418. intercolumnar, 1238. intercostal, 402. intercrural, 411. lata, 468. falciform margin of, 469. fossa ovalis of, 469. iliotibial tract or band of, 468. of leg, 480. deep transverse, 483. lumbar, 397. masseteric, 385. of obturator internus, 420. orbital, 1025. palmar, 460. parotideomasseteric, 385. pectoral, 435. pelvic, 420. plantar, 490. pretracheal, 390. prevertebral, 390. of piriformis, 421. of psoas and iliacus, 466. of quadratus lumborum, 419. rectal, 422. rectovesical, 422. renal, 1220. of Scarpa, 408. Sibson’s, 1089. spermatic, external, 411, 1238. subscapular, 440. subscapularis, 440. superficial, 377. supraspinata, 440. supraspinatous, 440. temporal, 386. of thigh, 467. of thoracic region, 435. transversalis, 418. triangular, of abdomen, 412. of upper extremity, 431. of urogenital diaphragm, 428, 429, 430. region, 426. vesical, 422. Fasciculi, intrafusal, 1061. longitudinales, 785. Fasciculus, bulbospinal, 854. cerebelloölivary, 781. cerebrospinal, 759, 760. cerebrospinalis anterior, 759. Fasciculus, cerebrospinalis lateralis, 760. comma-shaped, 764. cuneatus, 762. gracilis, 762. lateral proper, 762. spinothalamic, 762. lateralis proprius, 762. of Lissauer, 762. longitudinal, inferior, 844. medial, 762, 784, 803. posterior, 803. superior, 844. mammillotegmentalis, 867. mammillo-thalamic, 869. occipitofrontal, 844. olfactory, 840. olivospinal, 761, 854. perpendicular, 844. pontospinal, 872. posterior proper, 764. retroflexus of Meynert, 812. rubrospinal, 761, 870. secondary sensory, 762. solitarius, 785. spinocerebellar, dorsal, 761, 778. ventral, 761. spinoölivary, 854. spinotectal, 762. spinothalamic, 762. superficial antero-lateral, 854. tectospinal, 760, 871. thalamomammillary, 839. uncinate, 843. ventral spinothalamic, 854. vestibulospinal, 760, 803, 872. Fasciola cinerea, 827. Fauces, arches or pillars of, 1137. isthmus of, 1137. muscles of, actions of, 1140. Female genital organs, 1254. bulb of vestibule, 1264. carunculæ hymenales, 1266. clitoris, 1266. development of, 1205. epoöphoron, 1255. fourchette, 1265. glands of Bartholin, 1266. greater vestibular, 1266. hymen, 1266. labia majora, 1265. minora, 1265. mons pubis, 1265. navicular fossa, 1266. ovaries, 1254. uterine tubes, 1257. uterus or womb, 1258. vagina, 1264. vestibule, 1266. pronucleus, 42. urethra, 1236. Femoral artery, 623. branches of, 629. peculiarities of, 629. surface marking of, 1346. canal, 625. circumflex arteries, 630. cutaneous nerve, anterior, 955. lateral, 951. posterior, 959. fossa, 626. nerve, 955. ring, 625. septum, 626. sheath, 625. triangle, 626. vein, 672. Femur, 242. architecture of, 248. inner, of upper, 249. of distal portion, 253. condyles of, 247. head of, 243. neck of, 243. ossification of, 255. Femur, spiral line of, 245. surface anatomy of, 1336. trochanters of, 243, 244. Fenestra cochleæ, 1040. ovalis, 1040. rotunda, 1040. vestibuli, 1040. Fertilization of ovum, 44. Fetal membranes, 54. Fetus, circulation in, 540. foramen ovale in, 512, 539. valve of inferior vena cava in, 540. vascular system in, peculiarities of, 539. Fibers, arcuate, 782. dentinal, 1119. intercolumnar, 410. intracrural, 410. intrafusal, 1061. of muscles, 373. nerve, 721. non-medullated, 728. olfactory projections, 869. of Purkinje, 536. of Remak, 728. sustentacular, of Müller, 1017. of tactile discrimination, 854. taste, 861. of Tomes, 1119. touch, 854. Fibræ intercrurales, 410. pontis profundæ, 785. superficiales, 785. propriæ [cerebellum], 794. Fibrocartilage, 281. circumferential, 282. connecting, 282. interarticular, 281. intervertebral, 289. semilunar, of knee, 342, 343. stratiform, 282. yellow or elastic, 282. Fibrocartilaginous lamina, interpubic, 311. Fibrous capsule of Glisson, 1194. pericardium, 525. rings of heart, 536. sheaths of flexor tendons of fingers, 449. of toes, 492. tunic of kidney, 1220. Fibula, 260. ossification of, 262. surface form of, 1337. Fibular artery, 635. collateral ligament of knee-joint, 341. Fifth metacarpal bone, 228. metatarsal bone, 274. nerve, 886. ventricle, 840. Filiform papillæ of tongue, 1127. Fillet, medial, 803. Filtration angle of eye, 1007. Filum terminale, 750. Fimbria hippocampi, 840. ovarian, 1257. Fimbriæ of uterine tube, 1257. Fimbriodentate fissure, 827, 840. First cuneiform bone, 270. dorsal metacarpal artery, 595. metatarsal artery, 636. metacarpal bone, 228. metatarsal bone, 272. nerve, 881. Fissura antitragohelicina, 1034. calcarina, 820. cerebri lateralis [Sylvii], 819. longitudinalis, 818. collateralis, 820. hippocampi, 826. mediana anterior [medullæ oblongatæ], 767. spinalis], 752. mediana posterior [medulæ oblongatæ], 767. parietoöccipitalis, 820. petrotympanica, 1038. prima [cerebellum], 740. [rhinencephalon], 827. secunda [cerebellum], 740.