Edmund Clarence Stedman, ed. (1833–1908). A Victorian Anthology, 1837–1895. 1895.
“The Inn of Care” to “Youth and Art”Index to Titles
- The Inn of Care
- The Irishman and the Lady
- The Irish Rapparees
- The Irish Wife
- The Irish Wolf-Hound
- The Island of Shadows
- The Isle of Lost Dreams
- The Isles
- The Ivory Gate
- The Jackdaw of Rheims
- The Jacobite on Tower Hill
- The Jumblies
- The Jungfrau’s Cry
- The Keepers of the Pass
- The King of Denmark’s Ride
- The King’s Visit
- The Lachrymatory
- The Ladies of St. James’s
- The Laird of Schelynlaw
- The Land of Counterpane
- The Land of Nod
- The Lark Ascending
- The Last Aboriginal
- The Last Buccaneer
- The Last Chantey
- The Last of His Tribe
- The Last of the Eurydice
- The Lattice at Sunrise
- The Law for the Wolves
- The Lay of the Laborer
- The Legend of the Dead Lambs
- The Lion’s Skeleton
- The Little Fair Soul
- The Little Rebel
- The Long White Seam
- The Loons
- The Lost Leader
- The Lost Sheep
- The Lotos-Eaters
- The Lyrical Poem
- The Mahogany Tree
- The Maid’s Lament
- The Man to the Angel
- The Master-Chord
- The Master’s Touch
- The Memory of the Dead
- The Mendicants
- The Men of Gotham
- The Merry-Go-Round
- The Mitherless Bairn
- The Modern Poet
- The Music-Hall
- The Musmee
- The Mystery
- Then and Now
- The Net-Braiders
- The Newly-Wedded
- The Night Has a Thousand Eyes
- The Nightingale
- The Night Sky
- The Norns Watering Yggdrasill
- The Nor’-West Courier
- Theocritus
- Theocritus
- The Odyssey
- The Old Baron
- The Old Cavalier
- The Old Churchyard of Bonchurch
- The Old Grenadier’s Story
- The Old Maid
- The Old Squire
- The Old Stoic
- The One White Hair
- The Page of Lancelot
- The Pantheist’s Song of Immortality
- The Parting Hour
- The Passing of Arthur
- The Passing of the Elder Bards
- The Passionate Reader to His Poet
- The Pen and the Album
- The People’s Petition
- The Pillar of the Cloud
- The Pine Woods
- The Pipe-Player
- The Play of “King Lear”
- The Plough
- The Poem of the Universe
- The Poet in the City
- The Poet’s Song to His Wife
- The Portrait
- The Private of the Buffs
- The Protestation
- The Queen’s Vespers
- The Quiet Eye
- The Reed-Player
- There Falls with Every Wedding Chime
- There Is a Green Hill
- The Requital
- The Revel
- The Right Must Win
- The Roman Legions
- The Rookery
- The Rose and the Wind
- The Rose of the World
- The Rose Thou Gav’st
- The Rosy Musk-Mallow
- The Roundel
- The Sack of Baltimore
- The Sad Mother
- The Sailor
- The Sands of Dee
- The Sanyassi
- The Sea
- The Sea-Child
- The Sea Fowler
- The Sea-Limits
- “The Seamaids’ Music”
- The Secret
- The Secret of the Nightingale
- The Secret Place
- The Self-Exiled
- The Seven Whistlers
- The Shandon Bells
- The Shell
- The Sibyl
- The Sick Stock-Rider
- The Sign of the Cross
- The Silenced Singer
- The Silent Tower of Bottreau
- The Silent Voices
- The Singer’s Prelude
- The Sirens Sing
- The Six Carpenters’ Case
- The Skeleton in the Cupboard
- The Skylark
- The Slave
- The Sleep
- The Snow Storm
- The Soldier-Boy
- The Song My Paddle Sings
- The Song of the Old Mother
- The Song of the Shirt
- The Song of the Western Men
- The Song of the Wild Storm-Waves
- The Sonnet
- The Sonnet’s Voice
- The Soul Stithy
- The Sower’s Song
- The Spaewife
- The Spectrum
- The Spirit of Shakespeare
- The Splendid Spur
- The Stormy Petrel
- The Summer Pool
- The Swallow
- The Test
- The Thread of Life
- The Three Fishers
- The Three Scars
- The Three Troopers
- The Toy Cross
- The Tropics
- The Tryst of the Night
- The Two Masks
- The Two Old Kings
- The Utmost
- The Vacant Cage
- The Vagabonds
- The Vicar
- The Voice from Galilee
- The Voice in the Wild Oak
- The Voice of D. G. R.
- The Voice of the Poor
- The Waif
- The Wake of Tim O’Hara
- The Waking of Spring
- The Waking of the Lark
- The Walker of the Snow
- The War-Song of Dinas Vawr
- The Water Lady
- The Welcome
- The Were-Wolves
- The Whaups
- The White Birds
- The White Blossom’s off the Bog
- The White Moth
- The White Peacock
- The White Rose over the Water
- The Widow’s Mite
- The Wife of Loki
- The Wild Huntsmen
- The Will of God
- The Wind of Death
- The Wonder-Child
- The Woodruffe
- The Woodspurge
- The Working Man’s Song
- The World and the Quietist
- The World’s Death-Night
- The Wreck
- Thirty-first of May
- Thorgerda
- Thou Didst Delight My Eyes
- Three Portraits of Prince Charles
- Th’ Sweetheart Gate
- Thy Joy in Sorrow
- Thyself
- Thy Voice Is Heard
- Thy Way, Not Mine
- Time
- Time and Death
- Time to Be Wise
- Tipperary
- ’T is Sair to Dream
- To ——
- To a Child
- To a Cyclamen
- To a Daisy
- To a Desolate Friend
- To Age
- To a Greek Girl
- To a Humming Bird in a Garden
- To Alfred Tennyson
- To America
- To a Moth That Drinketh of the Ripe October
- To a Mountain
- To a Poet Breaking Silence
- To a Portrait
- To a Seabird
- To a Swallow Building under Our Eaves
- To Christina Rossetti
- To February
- To God and Ireland True
- To Ianthe
- To Imperia
- To La Sansœur
- To Manon
- Tommy ’s Dead
- To My Brothers
- To My Cat
- To My Grandmother
- To My Mistress
- To My Tortoise Chronos
- To My Totem
- To N. V. De G. S.
- Too Late
- Too Late
- Topsy-Turvy World
- To Sea, to Sea!
- To Shakespeare
- To Sleep
- To the Dead
- To the Forgotten Dead
- To the Gossamer-Light
- To the Herald Honeysuckle
- To the Lakes
- To the Nautilus
- To Theocritus, in Winter
- To the Same
- To the Spirit of Poetry
- To Vernon Lee
- To Youth
- Travellers
- Tripping Down the Field-Path
- Trust
- Trust thou thy Love
- ’T was Just before the Hay Was Mown
- ’Tween Earth and Sky
- Twickenham Ferry
- Twilight
- Twilight
- Twist Me a Crown
- Two Infinities
- Two Sons
- Ulysses
- Up-Hill
- Upon the Shore
- Valedictory
- Van Elsen
- Vastness
- Venice
- Versailles
- Verses Why Burnt
- Warning and Reply
- We Are Children
- Weep Not! Sigh Not!
- We Have Been Friends Together
- Welcome, Bonny Brid!
- We ’ll a’ Go Pu’ the Heather
- Wellington
- Were I but His Own Wife
- What Matters It
- What Might Be Done
- What of the Night?
- What the Sonnet Is
- What the Trumpeter Said
- “When I Am Dead”
- When Stars Are in the Quiet Skies
- When We Are All Asleep
- When We Are Parted
- Where Lies the Land
- White Roses
- Whither?
- Who Runs May Read
- Widow Machree
- Wife to Husband
- William Wordsworth
- Willie Winkie
- Wind of Summer
- With a Copy of Herrick
- Without Her
- “With Pipe and Flute”
- Woone Smile Mwore
- World and Soul
- Wrinkles
- Written in Edinburgh
- Written in Emerson’s Essays
- Young Windebank
- Youth and Age
- Youth and Art