Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.
Category IndexStiff to Zigzag
- Stiff
- Still (Adjective)
- Still (Verb)
- Stimulating
- Sting
- Stink
- Stir
- Stolid
- Stoop
- Stop
- Storm
- Stormy
- Story
- Stout
- Straight
- Straighten
- Straightforward
- Strain
- Strange
- Strangely
- Stream
- Strengthening
- Strengthless
- Strenuously
- Stretch
- Strew
- Stricken
- Stride
- Strife
- Strike
- Striped
- Strive
- Strong
- Struggle
- Strut
- Stubborn
- Stuck
- Studded
- Study
- Stuff
- Stumble
- Stunning
- Stupid
- Sturdy
- Style
- Subdued
- Sublime
- Submissive
- Subside
- Substance
- Substantial
- Subtle
- Subtly
- Success
- Succeed
- Successive
- Sudden
- Suddenly
- Sue
- Suffer
- Suicide
- Sulk
- Sulky
- Sullen
- Sullenly
- Sultry
- Sunburnt
- Sunday
- Sunken
- Sunlight
- Superfluous
- Supernatural
- Superior
- Superstitious
- Supper
- Supple
- Suppliant
- Support
- Supreme
- Sure
- Sure-footed
- Surely
- Surge
- Surly
- Surpass
- Suspense
- Suspicion
- Suspicious
- Swallow
- Swarm
- Swart
- Sway
- Swear
- Sweat
- Sweep
- Sweet
- Swell
- Swerve
- Swift
- Swiftly
- Swim
- Swimmingly
- Swing
- Swish
- Swollen
- Swoon
- Swoop
- Sympathetic
- Symphony
- Systematic
- Talent
- Talk
- Tall
- Tame
- Tangle
- Tantalize
- Tap
- Taper
- Tarry
- Tart
- Taste (Noun)
- Taste (Verb)
- Taunts
- Taut
- Teacher
- Tear
- Tedious
- Teeth
- Tell-Tale
- Temper
- Temperate
- Tempestuous
- Temple
- Tempt
- Temptations
- Tempting
- Tenacious
- Tender
- Tenderly
- Tense
- Tensely
- Terrible
- Terrifying
- Terror
- Testimony
- Theatre
- Thick
- Thin
- Thinly
- Thirst
- Thirsty
- Thought
- Thoughtful
- Thoughtless
- Thrash
- Threadbare
- Threatening
- Thrill
- Thrive
- Throat
- Throb
- Throng
- Through
- Throw
- Thunder
- Thundering
- Thunderous
- Tick
- Tidy
- Tied
- Tight
- Time
- Timid
- Timorous
- Tinge
- Tingle
- Tinkling
- Tiny
- Tipple
- Tip-tilted
- Tip-toe
- Tired
- Tiresome
- Titter
- Title
- Together
- Toil
- Tolerant
- Tolerate
- Toll
- Tongue
- Tongueless
- Tooth
- Top
- Topple
- Tore
- Torn
- Torpid
- Tortuous
- Torture
- Toss
- Totter
- Touch
- Tough
- Tower
- Traceless
- Trackless
- Tractable
- Trailing
- Traitor
- Trample
- Tranquil
- Tranquilly
- Tranquilizing
- Transform
- Transforming
- Transient
- Transitory
- Translation
- Translucent
- Transmitted
- Transparent
- Trapped
- Traveler
- Treacherous
- Treading
- Treason
- Tremble
- Tremendous
- Tremor
- Tremulous
- Trepidation
- Trickles
- Tricky
- Tried
- Trifles
- Trifling
- Trill
- Trim
- Trip
- Trippingly
- Trite
- Triumph
- Triumphant
- Triumphantly
- Trivial
- Trodden
- Trot
- Trouble
- Troublesome
- Trudge
- True
- Trumpet
- Trustful
- Truth
- Truthful
- Tug
- Tumble
- Tuneful
- Tuneless
- Turbid
- Turbulent
- Turn
- Twilight
- Twine
- Twinge
- Twinkle
- Twirl
- Twist
- Typical
- Tyrant
- Ubiquitous
- Ugly
- Unabashed
- Unalterable
- Unanswered
- Unappetizing
- Unapproachable
- Unarmed
- Unasked
- Unattractive
- Unavailable
- Unavailing
- Unaware
- Unbecoming
- Unbidden
- Unblemished
- Unbounded
- Unbridled
- Uncalled
- Uncared
- Uncaressable
- Unceasing
- Unceasingly
- Unceremonious
- Uncertain
- Unchainable
- Unchangeable
- Unchanged
- Unchanging
- Unclean
- Unclose
- Uncoil
- Uncomely
- Uncomfortable
- Uncommon
- Uncomplaining
- Uncompromising
- Unconfined
- Unconquerable
- Unconscious
- Unconsciously
- Unconstant
- Uncontrollable
- Uncorrected
- Uncouth
- Unctuous
- Undefiled
- Understanding
- Understood
- Undimmed
- Undistinguishable
- Undisturbed
- Undone
- Undulate
- Unearthly
- Uneasy
- Unelastic
- Unemotional
- Unending
- Unerring
- Unexciting
- Unexpected
- Unexpectedly
- Unfaded
- Unfading
- Unfair
- Unfashioned
- Unfathomable
- Unfeeling
- Unfelt
- Unfettered
- Unfit
- Unfold
- Ungracious
- Unhappy
- Unharmful
- Unharmonious
- Unhealthy
- Unheeded
- Unimaginative
- Unintelligible
- Unintentional
- United
- Unity
- Universal
- Unjust
- Unkind
- Unknown
- Unlike
- Unlikely
- Unlovely
- Unlustrous
- Unmanageable
- Unmeaning
- Unmerciful
- Unmoved
- Unmusical
- Unnatural
- Unnoticed
- Unpitied
- Unpredestinate
- Unprofitable
- Unprofitably
- Unquenched
- Unquiet
- Unreal
- Unreasonable
- Unreconcilable
- Unremonstrant
- Unresponsive
- Unripe
- Unruffled
- Unsatiate
- Unscrupulous
- Unseasonable
- Unseeing
- Unseen
- Unsettle
- Unshaken
- Unshunnable
- Unsightly
- Unsordid
- Unsparing
- Unspoken
- Unstable
- Unstaid
- Unstained
- Unsteady
- Unsubstantial
- Unsullied
- Untasted
- Untenanted
- Unthinkable
- Unthrifty
- Untimely
- Untiring
- Untouched
- Untrue
- Untwined
- Untwist
- Unuseful
- Unusual
- Unvaried
- Unvexed
- Unwasted
- Unwatched
- Unwearied
- Unwelcome
- Unwinding
- Unworthy
- Unyielding
- Up
- Upborne
- Uplift
- Upright
- Uprise
- Uproar
- Upsoar
- Upstart
- Upward
- Useful
- Useless
- Uselessly
- Utility
- Vacant
- Vacantly
- Vagrant
- Vague
- Vaguely
- Vain
- Vainly
- Valiant
- Valor
- Valorless
- Valorous
- Valuable
- Vanish
- Vanity
- Vaprous
- Variable
- Varied
- Various
- Vary
- Vast
- Vaulted
- Veer
- Vehement
- Veiled
- Venice
- Venomous
- Venture
- Verse
- Vertical
- Vexed
- Vibrate
- Vice
- Vice-President
- Vicious
- Victorious
- Victory
- Vigilant
- Vigorous
- Vile
- Vindictive
- Violent
- Virgin
- Virginity
- Virtue
- Virtuous
- Visible
- Visitors
- Visits
- Vivid
- Vividness
- Vocal
- Voice
- Voiceless
- Void
- Volatile
- Voluptuous
- Voracious
- Vulgar
- Waddle
- Wag
- Waggle
- Wail (Noun)
- Wail (Verb)
- Waist
- Wait
- Wake
- Walk
- Wallow
- Wan
- Wander
- Wane
- Want
- Wanton
- War
- Warble
- Wariest
- Warlike
- Warm
- Warn
- Warrior
- Wary
- Waste
- Wasteful
- Watch
- Watchful
- Watchfulness
- Wave
- Waver
- Wax
- Wayward
- Weak
- Wealth
- Weary
- Wearily
- Weatherbeaten
- Wedge
- Wedlock
- Weep
- Weigh
- Weird
- Weirdly
- Welcome (Adjective)
- Welcome (Verb)
- Well
- Welter
- Wet
- Whang
- Wheeling
- Wheeze
- Whelmed
- Whet
- Whimper
- Whine
- Whip
- Whir
- Whirl
- Whisker
- Whisper
- Whistle
- White
- Whiz
- Whole
- Wholesome
- Whoop
- Wicked (Adjective)
- Wicked (Noun)
- Wide
- Widespread
- Widow
- Wife
- Wiggle
- Wild
- Wilful
- Willing
- Willingly
- Wily
- Wind
- Windy
- Wine
- Winged
- Wink
- Winning
- Winter
- Wintry
- Wipe
- Wisdom
- Wise
- Wish
- Wistfully
- Wit
- Wither
- Withheld
- Within
- Witless
- Witness
- Witty
- Wizen
- Woman
- Wonderful
- Wondrous
- Wooden
- Words
- Work
- World
- Worn
- Worried
- Worry
- Worship
- Worthless
- Wound
- Woven
- Wrap
- Wrathful
- Wriggle
- Wrinkle
- Writ
- Write
- Writhe
- Yawn
- Yawning
- Yearn
- Yell
- Yellow
- Yield
- Young
- Youth
- Youthful
- Zeal
- Zigzag