Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.
Thick as ants.
Thick as beans in a pod.
Thick as blackberries in July.
Thick as blanks in a lottery.
Thick as Charon’s ferry boat is with phantoms.
Thick as dust in vacant chambers.
Thick as gutter mud.
Thick as hair on a dog’s back.
Thick as lichens on marble slab.
Thick as molasses in December.
Thick as peas in summer weather.
Thick as pea soup.
Thick as pitch.
Thick as strings on a harp.
Thick as the bark on a tree.
Thick as the spawn of a fish.
Thick as thistles.
Thick as wax.
Stars which stand out as thick as dewdrops on the field of heaven.
—Philip James Bailey
Thick as burning stones that from the throat of some volcano foul the benighted sky.
—Philip James Bailey
Stand thick as dewdrops on the bells of flowers.
—Robert Blair
Thick as starlings in a fen.
—William Browne
Thick like a glory round a Stagirite.
—Robert Browning
As stars which storm the sky on Autumn nights.
—Robert Browning
Thick as hail.
—John Bunyan
As thikke as is a branched ook.
—Geoffrey Chaucer
As thikke as motes in the sonne beem.
—Geoffrey Chaucer
Thick like two hungry torrents.
—George Chapman
Thick as spray.
—Herbert Edward Clarke
Thick, like wool.
—Elizabeth B. Custer
Thick as scarecrows in England.
—Charles Dickens
His Pills as thick as Hand Granadoes flew,
And where they Fell, as Certainly they slew.
—Wentworth Dillon
Thick as bees.
—Austin Dobson
The air was as thick as the main deck in a close-fought action.
—Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Thick as Egypt’s locusts.
—John Dryden
Thick as stars above.
—George Eliot
Thick as stars that gem the Dolphin’s brow.
—Sanskrit Epic
As thick as the sands of the wide wilderness.
—Frederick William Faber
Thick as two body-snatchers.
—O. Henry
Thick as autumn leaves or driving sand.
—Homer (Pope)
Thick as in spring the flow’rs adorn the land,
Or leaves the trees; or thick as insects play.
—Homer (Pope)
Thick as London fog.
—Thomas Hood
Thick as a swarm of bees.
—Jean Ingelow
Thick as butter.
—Rudyard Kipling
Thick as swallows with the summer.
—George W. Lovell
Thick as flakes of snow.
—Thomas Babington Macaulay
As starry mysteries written on the night.
—Gerald Massey
Thick as feathers.
—George Meredith
Thick as the gems on chalices
Kings keep for treasure.
—Owen Meredith
Thick as autumnal leaves that strow the brooks
In Vallombrosa.
—John Milton
Stood thick as stars.
—John Milton
Thick as oatmeal.
—Thomas Nash
Thick as the fleeces of the winter snows.
Thick as the violets cluster round the spring.
—John Payne
Thick as onions on a string.
—James Robinson Planché
Thick as hops.
—Poor Robin’s Almanack
Thick as lotus flowers in Paradise.
—J. Hampden Porter
Thick as rain-drops.
—William H. Prescott
As thick as thieves.
—Old English Proverb
Thick as the daisies blown in grasses fanned by odorous midsummer breezes.
—James Whitcomb Riley
Thick as the schemes of human pride.
—Sir Walter Scott
Thick as honeycomb.
—William Shakespeare
Thick as Tewksbury mustard.
—William Shakespeare
Thick as thought could make ’em.
—William Shakespeare
Thick as the snowflakes.
—Robert Southey
Thick as the stars that stud the wintry sky.
—Robert Southey
Thick as corn-blades in a field.
—Edmund Spenser
Lay scattered over all the land,
As thicke as doth the seede after the sower’s hand.
—Edmund Spenser
Thick as swallows after storms.
—Edmund Clarence Stedman
Thick as a mob.
—Robert Louis Stevenson
Thick as a snow fall.
—Robert Louis Stevenson
Thick as driving rain.
—Robert Louis Stevenson
Thick as the stars at night when the moon is down.
—Robert Louis Stevenson
Thick and silent like ants.
—Robert Louis Stevenson
Thick as buds in April.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Thick as the darkness of leaf-shadowed spring is encumbered with flowers.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Lie thick as the blades of the grasses
The dead in their graves.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Thick as grave-worms.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
Thick as Autumn rains.
—Alfred Tennyson
Thick as dust in vacant chambers.
—Alfred Tennyson
Thick as hail.
Thick as sparks above the rushing train.
—John T. Trowbridge
Thick as three rats in a little boy’s stocking.
—John T. Trowbridge
The air is thick as incense-wreaths
That waver in the candles’ gleam.
—George Sylvester Viereck
Thick as the hail with which the storm-clouds rattle on the roof.
Thick as seagulls.
Thicke, as shining lights, which we call starres.
—Sir Thomas Wyatt
Thick as hasty pudding.
—Yankee Doodle